Chapter Twenty-two

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Chapter Twenty-two

I don't know how long we stay in the kitchen just holding onto each other, trying to get some form of comfort from the other, but eventually Eli whispers, “You need to eat something, Dani.” He lets go of me and I quickly step out of his embrace feeling very embarrassed that I'd basically just jumped into his arms.

As he walks around the breakfast bar to check the cupboards, he looks at the little bottle of pills that the doctor had prescribed for me months ago. He looks at me intently and I can't take the weight of his gaze. It's like he is trying to see through me and tell me something without even speaking. I know he's disappointed that I even took them out; I can see it in his eyes. He speaks and I jump because I'm not expecting it.

“Should we throw these away?”

A tiny smile tugs at the corner of my mouth and he raises his eyebrow, questioning the smile.

“You're asking a recovering addict if you should throw away drugs? Isn't that a bit ironic?”

Despite the topic he chuckles a little. “I see your point. Ok, I'm going to throw these away.”

As he opens the trash can, I say, “Wait.”

He looks shocked and I see a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

“You should flush them. I can't promise I won't bin dive for them.”

“Eww, gross...”

“Yes, but it wouldn't be unheard of.”

“Thank you. You want to do the honors or me?”

I didn't even hesitate to say, “You. Just in case...”

He nods and then heads to the bathroom to flush the pills. I didn't know where all this honesty was coming from. Maybe not seeing Eli for a week had shown me how much I missed him and how much I need him. Whatever it was that made me want to talk to Eli, I decided that I was going to follow it and try my hardest to trust him.

As Eli made his amazing omelets, he asked, “What are we going to do about work? We need you, baby. Heck, the Cap needs you. He doesn't want to admit it, but he needs you...”

“I can't Eli. I can't tell him. I can't have sessions with that shrink...”

“He said you have to have sessions with him?!”

I tense up and scoot away from the breakfast bar. I didn't know what he was going to do with his anger. Eli sighs and whispers, “Sorry. I'm sorry Dani, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just angry with the Cap, with Paul and this whole situation. It's not right that they've made you feel this way. I mean, I understand that the Cap is worried, especially after the whole Cain thing, but it's still not right to force you into something.”

I mumble, “That's happened enough already, I suppose once more isn't really something to complain about...”

If Eli heard, he didn't comment on what I said. I presume he didn't hear because that's the kind of thing he would correct me on. “I haven't spoken to the Cap about it because I've been too angry. I didn't want to talk to him without speaking to you first. We need to come up with a plan. If we can appease him, then I think he'll back off. We just need to give him something to keep him quiet.”

I shrug and say, “It's ok, Eli. It was fun while it lasted. Maybe my time is done there.”

“No, we need you; I need you there. I'm going to figure this out, I promise you.”

I sigh and whisper, “Don't make promises you can't keep...”

“I intend to keep this promise. Just like every other promise I've made. I've never let you down before, have I?”

Tough Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن