Chapter Seventy-Four

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Chapter Seventy-Four


It's nearly 8pm and I'm sitting in Dani's hospital room, watching her sleep. Dr. Stone said he gave her a sedative so she could sleep while they x-rayed her arms because she'd freaked out when he tried to touch her. He said she just keep calling for me and trying to move away from him, so much so that her heart rate was elevated too much and he was worried she'd do herself more damage. She's been doing so well and at first I couldn't understand such a drastic change, but Dr. Stone informed me that he reduced her drugs this morning and now she's on a minimal amount of pain relief. That would explain why there's been such a major change in her behavior.

Dani is dreaming and I can hear her muttering something in Russian. It's amazing how quickly she slips back into her native tongue. Since she's been working at the precinct, she's only really spoken Russian when she doesn't want us to understand her. I know before, she only spoke Russian, but these two years have been mostly English speaking. I can make out Dani apologizing to someone and then I hear my name. She's apologizing to me? What for? She's distressed, I know that much but there's nothing I can do about it. She's under sedation, and while she's supposed to wake up soon, I can't wake her out of it. She needs to do that herself. Just as I'm trying to make out the rest of her words, my cell vibrates and Arrow's name flashes on the screen.

“Hey. What's up?”

“I found them. They're in hiding. It looks like a safe house. I've got names too.”

I let out a deep breath, “Good man. You're the best, seriously.”

“Let's hope we can keep these guys, huh? I'll text you the names and their location. Get your detectives to pick them up.”

“Will do.”

As soon as Arrow's text comes through, I read it and call the Cap to pass the information on to him. He promises to give Baker and Jones the information right away and he tells me to stay where I am. He doesn't want me anywhere near the precinct while this is going down. As hard as it is to admit it, I know he's right. My decision is made a lot easier when I look at Dani again. She's still dreaming and she looks so upset that I know I'm right where I should be. I take Dani's hand in mine. At first she fights against the movement but then she relaxes against my touch. It's now that I notice both casts are removed from Dani's arms. Her leg is still plastered, but at least her arms have healed enough. Hopefully she'll be able to go home. That's a subject we're going to have to approach, especially if she's going to be released soon.

My pops stops by to bring me some dinner and he sits with me for a little while. When Dani starts stirring, he takes that as his cue to leave, patting me on the back in reassurance on his way out.

Dani's eyes shoot open and then they close again quickly as she groans in pain. I take in her pained expression and I whisper, “Dani? It's Eli. You ok?”

She grinds out, “What happened?”

“You had to have x-rays and Dr. Stone had to sedate you for it. He said he reduced your meds and you kept freaking out...”

She looks ashamed and disappointed and she quickly apologizes.

“It's ok, sweetheart. I did warn them that this could happen. Did you remember anything?”

“No sir.”

“You were dreaming...”

“I know.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“No sir.”

I nod, a little disappointed. It's like we're going backwards again. Dani is shutting down all over again and it seems like there's nothing I can do to stop it. I take a deep breath and I whisper, “What's going on, Dani? Why won't you talk to me?”

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