Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Eli's POV

The doorbell rings at exactly 12:58. Ash is prompt, if nothing else. The Army drills that into you, and once its ingrained in you it's hard to get that out. I know Dani heard the door, because she stiffened in her seat, but she makes no move to answer it, so I turn the TV off and get up from the couch. I open the door. “Hey Ash, I just have to get my stuff together. Can you wait a minute?”

“Sure. You want me to wait out here?”

It seems like he has some form understanding on the matter, even though I haven't told him anything. I nod slightly and head back into the living room. I grab my guns and put my badge on its chain around my neck. I crouch down near Dani's side and I apologize for causing her to jump.

I whisper, “I'm going to head out now. You sure you'll be ok?”

“Yes sir. Tell your parents I said hi.”

“I will. I'll bring some dinner back for you. I'll be a couple of hours though, we're going to watch the baseball game.”

“Ok. I'll be working on this for hours.”

“Ok. I'll see you later then.”

I slowly reach for her hand so she knows what's happening. She watches my hand intently, but she doesn't back off. I do, however, notice the slight tremble in her hand as I brush my fingers over it. I give her hand a quick squeeze, and then release it so she doesn't get too freaked out.

“See you later Eli.”

She looks over to the door and says, “Hi Ash.”

“Hey darlin'. How you doing?”

“Good sir, thank you. You?”

“Yeah, not too shabby. We're going to be late, Eli.”

“Yeah, yeah. I'm coming.”

I shoot Dani one last look and mumble, “Lock the door after me.”

I know I don't need to remind her, but I do it anyway, just so she knows I care. She nods in agreement and I shut the door behind Ash and myself.

As we walk to my car, Ash shoots me a knowing glance. I don't comment, I know he's going to say something. There's no point in encouraging his questioning.

“Soooooo... What was that?”

I knew it was coming; I know him too well.

“What was what?”

“Don't give me that bull. You know exactly what I mean. But, if you need reminding, the whole touching thing? What's all that about?”

I let out a deep breath and pause before answering, “We're just... We're working on it. Don't comment or make a deal out of it with Dani around; she'll flip and that's not something I want right now.”

“So, how's she doing? Sleeping better?”

I eye him carefully, trying to figure out just how much he knows.

“What? Don't look at me like that. I know she doesn't sleep well. You can see it a mile away, plus we had to take her to the hospital before, remember?”

Geez, that feels like a lifetime ago, not a few months.

“I also know that you spend most nights here... I've tried ringing your house phone...”

I can't deny that and I'm not ashamed of the fact I stay at Dani's.

“What's your point?”

“Just wondering what's going on. I mean, you're my best friend and I really like Dani. I just don't want to see either of you get hurt or anything. You're getting in deeper than I think you realize and I'm just worried it's all going to blow up in your face...”

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