Chapter 5

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Liz didn't feel like eating her lunch with the new students that Monday, but Jane didn't give her much choice when she brought them over her table, forcing Charlotte, who came in a bit late to sit on next table.

The new students were the coolest thing Spring Valley had ever seen, that much was undisputed. Everything about Carol and Louise was admired. Upon discovering that Bill was the owner of Pemberly Enterprises and Anne Darcy's son, some people tried to be friendly, but he ignored them all. He only spoke to the people he knew, and by lunchtime, everyone in the school knew he was a jerk. Liz agreed wholeheartedly.

Liz ignored them all as they ate their lunch, or in Carol's case, pushed her food around her plate and complained at how it was going to make her fat.

"I can't believe you guys are just going to go to LA for a celebrity party and leave us at alone in this godforsaken town," Carol complained, "I will be bored to death. Louise is no fun. Jane, can you stay over. Please? We could try diving in the pool."

Liz looked up at Jane in alarm. She didn't know a lot about diving, but she sure as hell didn't want her sister doing it.

Charlie let out a tired sigh, it was clear that this was not the first time they were having this conversation, "Carol, no diving."

"But you guys will be in a party, with celebs," Carol whined.

"It is not a party, it's work. Well, Bill and I are going to be working, Jake is coming for the shopping," Charlie said.

Liz expected Jake to at least look offended at the implication, but it didn't seem to bother him.

"Going out of town so soon?" Liz asked.

"Unfortunately yes," Charlie said, "Business has called. We will leave tonight and hopefully be home by tomorrow evening."

"Jane, you need to come over or Louise and I are going to kill each other," Carol said.

"Not funny Carol," Charlie said, sounding stern.

"I will be so bored. Please Jane?"

Jane looked at Liz, it wasn't to ask for permission per se, more like to ask for her opinion.

Charlie took Jane's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, "I will feel much better leaving them if I knew you were there with them."

Jane shook her head, "Am sorry Charlie, I would love to but I can't."

"Why not?"

"Dad wouldn't agree."

Liz could see that her sister clearly wanted to stay at the beach house for the night.

"As long as you don't dive, I don't think dad would mind you having a sleepover with Carol."

"Exactly," Charlie said with a smile, "and he likes me."

It was true, apart from the Friday mishap, Charlie had been doing everything to establish himself as the perfect boyfriend. He had even come over on Saturday afternoon to help at the store with Jane. He was good looking and polite, and Liz suspected that the fact that he had a lot of money didn't hurt either.

"Call him and ask," Liz suggested to Jane, "I am sure he will agree if he knows Charlie will be out."

As Liz suspected, her dad didn't need a lot of persuasion. He gave his permission almost immediately. Liz felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding when she looked at the faces of the beaming Bingley sisters. She couldn't understand why Jane would willingly want to spent a night with them, they seemed kind of mean, and only seemed to like Jane because their brother liked her. But as long as Jane was happy with the arrangement, Liz could let their behavior slide.

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