Chapter 2

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"Liz!" Lydia called out.

"Mmmh?" Liz responded not looking up from her biology homework.

"Which outfit should I wear for Charlie's party tonight?"

Liz looked up and rubbed her eyes, staring at the two outfits that Lydia was holding out in front of her, "Neither, they both look slutty to me and you are not going."

Lydia pouted,"Why not? Mom said I could go."

"Mom reasons like a thirteen year old sometimes. You are not going because you are thirteen years old Lydia, most people there will be seventeen and above, I don't have time to chaperone you."

"Kate is going."

"Because she was invited, you weren't."

"He invited all of Jane's sisters, that includes me."

"I am pretty sure he said all of Jane's beautiful sisters, not to be rude but you are not in that category."

Lydia threw the outfits on the bed, "I am going," she said firmly before she stomped out of the room.

Liz sighed and glanced at her watch, Charlotte would be there any minute, she needed to get ready. Jane had gone straight from school to help Charlie with the preparations, Mary was working on a project at a friend's house and had said she will be going to the party from there and Kate was being picked up by an admirer, that left just Liz and Lydia, and Lydia was not going.

She put on a pair of her best jeans and threw on a jumper. She looked at herself in the mirror, she looked fine, she was not a make up person, and she had never learned to make her hair except to comb it. Satisfied, she descended the stairs just in time to meet with the incoming Charlotte who looked stunning in a hot pink dress.

"Liz dearest, what is this nonsense I hear about you forbidding Lydia to attend the party?" her mother attacked her as soon as she spotted her,"and what in God's good name are you wearing?"

Liz casually glanced at her clothes, "Oh, these mom are pieces of material sewed together, used for covering your body, their scientific name I believe is clothes. Lydia cannot go to the party mom, she is thirteen."

"She is in high school, she must go to the party. Lydia dear, put on the blue dress, it really brings out your eyes."

Lydia rushed upstairs and Lizzy sighed in frustration, there was no denying that Lydia was straight up spoiled, she always got her way in everything, and this might get her into lots of trouble when she was grown up and cute didn't work anymore. Liz didn't want Lydia at the party because there was bound to be alcohol, and when you put alcohol and teenager together, the result was always sex, and Lydia was a thirteen year old girl with very little common sense.

Liz would have appealed to her dad had he been home, but he was rarely home, he owned a convenient store nearby, being the sole breadwinner, he had to work till late to maintain the roof on their heads and food on their table. Sometimes, Liz helped out, and sometimes Jane, but he would never let them near his workplace on a Friday night, because he wanted them to have as much fun as any other high school student.

"How do I look?" Lydia demanded when she finally came down in the small blue dress that barely reached her thighs.

"Cute. Let's go," Liz said as she picked the keys from the counter and headed outside.

They drove to the beach house in silence, Lydia sulking in the back while Charlotte hummed under her breath. Liz parked the car and nervously looked up the magnificent house, loud music was coming out and teenagers were already all over the place.

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