Chapter 1

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Liz loved the first day of school after summer holidays, it meant a new start,and exciting, if a little exaggerated gossip all over the school. The only thing that could dampen the day was that Kate and Lydia, her two sisters were starting high school too, they could be quite stupid at times.

Kate was fourteen and Lydia thirteen,but they were in the same grade because Lydia had skipped a grade. Liz was in her junior year, her other two sisters, Jane and Mary were in their senior and sophomore years respectively.

"Did you hear the news? There is a new student in senior year, he is super hot," Charlotte, Liz's best friend met her with the news the moment she stepped in the school.

"Really?" Liz asked, she wasn't a romantic fool, but she liked a good looking guy like any other seventeen year old girl.

"Yeah, I am not sure about the whole story, but rumor has it that he is super rich, he is renting the beach house."

Liz's eyes widened in surprise,"The beach house? How come we didn't hear about it?"

The beach house had been unoccupied ever since it was built a few years ago. Spring Valley was a small town in California, just two hour's drive from LA. There was a huge track of land south of the town, which an investor had purchased with the dreams of building a fruit farm or something, but had never done it. The owner of the beach house had constructed it with the hopes that Spring Valley will become a tourist hotspot and he could rent it out once the farm was running.

"He only moved in yesterday, he was looking around and saw it, liked it, decided to take up residence and go to school here. Speak of being rich."

"And impulsive. So he is living there all alone? Where are his parents?"

"I am not sure, let's hurry before we are late on the first day."

She caught a glimpse of the new student during lunch, he was surrounded by a bunch of giggling girls who all wanted to catch his eye, including Lydia. It didn't surprise Liz that he was talking to Jane even though she was the only one not giggling.

Liz had to admit he was quite handsome, his blonde hair fell in ringlets on his shoulders and face in an attractive way, his light blue eyes danced with laughter and excitement, his tall slim frame was clad in a pair of jeans and a white shirt that fit him like a glove. He looked up and caught her staring at him, she blushed and looked away, he leaned to whisper something to Jane who looked up, smiled and nodded.

"Oh no, he is coming this way," Charlotte whispered to Liz.

Liz looked up, alarmed, but it was too late, he and Jane were already at the table, with their trays of food.

"Hey Liz, Charlotte, this is Charles Bingley, he goes by Charlie, he is new in school and he is in my Biology class. Charlie, Liz, my sister,and Charlotte Lucas, our neighbour and Liz's best friend. Can we join you?" Jane said in one breath.

"Nice to meet you," Charlotte mumbled and nodded her approval for them to sit on the table.

Liz raised a questioning eyebrow and Jane blushed, her beautiful cheeks turning crimson. Liz beamed. Jane was the most beautiful girl in the school, and she had the biggest heart too. It was no secret that she was a boy magnet, but she had never really liked any of the boys that hang around her, she treated all of them with the same sweet sisterly smile. Liz saw a difference with Charlie and was happy for it. Jane was your version of the popular girl who wasn't mean and attracted both bookworms and jocks. Charlie looked and sounded like a combination of both so Liz's hopes were high.

"Jane tells me you love science?" Charlie inquired.

Liz shrugged,"I like many things, science is just one of them. So you are renting the beach house?"

"Something like that. I like it here, I might even stay a while, you know, just to get the full formal school experience my sisters and I never got."

"Where are you from?"

"Liverpool, originally, but my parents moved around the globe a lot, business reasons, I hardly can call any place home. I have an apartment in DC now."

"Are they..." Liz's voice trailed of sympathetically.

He nodded as he dug into his food with more force than necessary.

Jane touched his arm, tears glistening in her eyes,"Am so sorry Charlie. What happened?"

"Plane crash, I was fifteen," he answered.

"So you live all alone?" Charlotte questioned.

He smiled,"Actually no, I have two younger sisters and a friend whose parents died in the crash too, they will be arriving later within the week. They will be joining Spring Valley High too."

"That's great but is it legal? A bunch of kids living all alone?" Liz couldn't resist asking, "Don't you have a guardian or something?"

He shook his head, "My friend William's parents were to be our guardian in case anything happened to our parents and vice versa, I guess they didn't expect to pass away at the same time, but we are good, I am eighteen now, and despite what I may look like, I am actually a very responsible guardian," he said with a wink.

"So how do you find Spring Valley so far?" Liz asked.

He beamed, " I love it, I mean, beautiful girls, happy people, who wouldn't love it?" he glanced at Jane as he spoke. Liz exchanged a knowing look with Charlotte.

"Well we like you too, you seem decent, let's hope your sisters and friends are the same," said Liz.

He ruffled his hair nervously, "Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about that,I was planning a party for when they arrive on Friday, would you guys attend? Jane says you have more sisters, I would love to meet them."

Liz frowned, "Friday? I am afraid I have..."

"Nothing!" Charlotte squealed in delight, "We will be there."

Liz glared at her friend, she hated parties, she would rather help out her dad in the store, but Charlotte had just thrown me under the bus. It was also not fair to say no to a guy who just told you his parents died in a plane crash, she nodded, and promised to be there.

Pride and Prejudice, the High School Version.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن