Chapter 11

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Liz didn't need to make up an excuse to go to her aunt's since her aunt had invited the the girls for dinner. A few of the foreign exchange students were coming too, so it kind of felt like a party, with adult supervision.

As soon as they were seated, Lydia lost her interest in George in favour of the younger exchange students so he became all hers. As if sensing their attraction to each other, her aunt sat them next to each other.

Throughout the meal, he maintained a steady flow of conversation about his school, his friends and other nonsense that made Liz like him even more. He gave her a chance to talk too, and complimented her so cleverly that she wouldn't have realized it if she wasn't smart.

When the meal was over and the other students were chatting to Liz's sisters, he pulled her outside on the porch. Seated next to him, Liz could feel her heart pounding in excitement. She was not sure how much the school's popularity system was going to influence who he associated with, but she was glad to have him for the night.

He leaned back in his seat, posture relaxed, and asked, "So how long have you known Bill?"

"He came by last Friday so I guess I have known him a week."

"Charming, isn't he?"

"Not at all. He isn't even that popular at school. He is so mean to everyone except his friends."

"Well, I am glad for it, because he can be charming at times, if he wants to be."

"How do you two know each other?"

"We grew up together. My dad worked for his dad."


"Really. My dad was Pemberly Enterprises first employee. He was Mr Darcy's assistant and valued friend. He was the pilot in the plane crash."

"Whoa. I am so sorry."

He nodded, "Yes, me too."

They sat in silence for sometime. Liz decided to give him time, a parent's death must be a hard topic for anyone.

At length, he spoke, "Liz what I am about to tell you must be treated with the strictest confidence, do you understand me? I do not want any harm to befall the company my dad worked so hard for and died for."

"Of course."

"There was a provision in Bill's father's will to provide for my education in case he passed away while I was still in school. In fact, there was a college fund, established specifically for me, to cater for my college expenses. I was also to take up any job I wished for at Pemberly Enterprises when I finished with my education. However, when his dad passed away, along with mine, Bill disregarded this clause of the will completely. He even refused to pay for the remainder of my secondary school education, or my living expenses. I currently stay with a well wisher and I am on scholarship."

"What? Why?"

He shrugged, "Bill has always hated me. He disliked the fact that his dad always preferred me to him."

"But you could go to court, you could challenge the execution of the will. You have every right to."

He shook his head, "I loved and respected Mr Darcy too much to bring his legacy to the ground like that. If this news goes public, it will the the end of Pemberly Enterprises."

"But have you tried talking to him? Asking him why he did that?"

"He doesn't take my calls. I am usually directed to the Pemberly Enterprises legal department whenever I call."

"What about the sister? You could reach out to her, she is likely to have some influence over her brother."

"Georgina has been his charge since she was eleven years old, all the opinions she now expresses have been formed by him."

"But have you tried reaching out to her? That may not always be the case."

"Yes. Several times, all my calls go to voicemail."

Liz reached out and gently held his hand, "I am so sorry George."

He smiled sadly, "That's okay."

"Don't give hope though, you could put yourself through college, there are scholarships and such things."

"I know. It just irks me that I have to be a scholarship kid when it is totally not necessary."

Liz had never felt such an overwhelming surge of emotion like she felt for this boy beside her. Orphaned at fifteen, abandoned by the only people he called family and too noble to rise up and claim what was rightfully his. Her dream of one day working for the plane manufacturing giant suddenly died. She had disliked Bill Darcy since meeting him but she had never imagined that he could be this cruel. Now, she hated him.

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