Chapter 3

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"Lazy Lizzy, will you wake up, will you wake up, lazy Lizzy, will you wake up...." A voice sang, loudly and out of key.

Liz groaned and woke up, she threw her pillow at the source of the offending sound.

"Ouch!" Jimmy said rubbing the shoulder where the pillow had hit him.

Liz glared at him with one eye while she rubbed the sleep from the other and gave out a tired yawn, "What are you doing here?"

Jimmy Collins was her cousin, sort of. He was distantly related to them, Liz couldn't remember if it was through her dad or her mom. It didn't stop him from hitting on her though. Even though his advances were annoying, Liz liked to have him around for the entertainment. They had been friends ever since they were young even though he was two years older. He had graduated from high school the previous year, he now assisted Liz's father in the store. He had no intention of going to college, and his dream was to become a music producer.

He gave her a wide smile, "I was picking up something for your dad then your mom told me you are up here and I thought I would come by and tell you the good news."

Liz stretched her arms and spoke with a bored yawn, "What news?"

"Rosings Records just contacted me."

"What is Resongs Records?"

"Rosings. It's the hugest music production company, you know, the one I told you I sent them my track about a year ago?"


Liz was surprised he had been contacted, to say the truth, he was a crappy singer, and an even crappier music editor. Liz didn't have the heart to tell him to his face, she had tried to get her dad to tell him to pursue something else, but he found the whole situation so amusing that he was often encouraging him just so he could laugh.

"Why aren't you jumping up and down in excitement for me?"

"Maybe because I am half naked and I need you to get out of my room?"

He frowned at her, "Wait, you are not going to say anything about it? Not even a congratulations?"

Liz sighed,"Congrats Jimmy. Now, get out."

"Liz, this is a great opportunity for me. It could be the start a huge career, it will be a good way to make connections, who knows, I could get a record deal out of it."

Liz blinked at him, "I thought they contacted you to offer a record deal?"

He laughed, "Unfortunately no. They offered me a job."

Liz was now curious, "A job?"

"Yes. A job as a PA to Katherine de Bourgh herself, how cool is that?"

"Katherine who?"

"de Bourgh. She is the sister to the late legend, Anne Darcy. Seriously Liz, you need to get out from under that rock once in a while and learn something."

Liz got out from under the covers, not caring that she was only dressed in an oversized shirt, she knew Jimmy wouldn't leave unless he felt properly listened to, and in current state, she wasn't in a position to do him justice.

"Could you please wait for me downstairs for a few minutes? I was planning to hang out with dad at the store today. We could walk there together as you tell me more about this Rosilin thing."

He shamelessly stared at her bare legs for a second or so before he nodded and walked out of the room.

Liz was downstairs in a few minutes. She found Jimmy chatting with her mom about the job. Her mom was profusely congratulating him with a fond smile and a few hints of Liz's true affection of him.

Her mom truly liked Jimmy, and wished for Liz to like him too. Her mother's dream in life was to see her all her five daughters happily married and settled, preferably in Spring Valley. Liz had tried explaining to her that she wanted to do more with her life than to live in the small town and get married, but her mother just didn't get it. Liz's dream was to study Mechanical Engineering at MIT, she knew very well that her dad could not afford it, it didn't stop her from dreaming though.

"Where is everyone?" Liz asked her mom.

"Jane is out with Charlie, Mary is helping at the store, Lydia and Kate are hanging at my sister's," her mom replied.

Liz frowned a little at the information, "I just hope Lydia and Kate will remember to do their homework."

Her mom shrugged, "Hardly. With the foreign exchange students coming to town, they are going to be so busy."

"Foreign exchange?"

Jimmy let out an impatient sigh, "Liz, there are foreign exchange students coming over next weekend, everyone is talking about it."

"By foreign exchange, you mean they are actually coming from another country?"

Jimmy snorted, "And I thought you were the smart one in this relationship."

"We are not is a relationship," Liz snapped, "Come on, let's go."

"Have fun," her mother said with a wink towards Jimmy.

Once they were out of the house and heading towards the store, Jimmy picked up the Rosings Records topic again, but took it in an entirely new direction that left Liz speechless with disbelief.

"Come with me to LA," he pleaded, "We could live together, build our lives, get married, have kids."

"I am seventeen Jimmy, not thirty two."

He grabbed her hand and tried to turn her to look at him, "I love you."

Liz twisted her arm out of his grip, "Stop being stupid. I still have two more years of high school, and even if I didn't, I wouldn't come with you. You know I don't like you like that."

He grinned at her in what he thought was a charming way, "Really? I am going to be a huge music star."

Thankfully, they had now reached her dad's store.

Liz smiled at him, "Call me when you are on tour, I will get tickets."

Since it was a Saturday, the store was quite full. Mary was at the counter and her dad was packing up something. Liz waved at him and weaved her way inside, to the vehicle spare parts section, it was where she could lent the most help. Jimmy moved to assist a customer and Liz hoped it will be the end of that conversation.

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