Chapter 15

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Katherine de Bourgh's mansion in Beverly Hills was the biggest house Liz had ever been to, as they entered it, she wondered why two people would need this much space.

They were ushered to the dinner table where Katherine sat with her daughter Anna. After Jimmy had introduced them, Katherine ordered for food to be served. Charlotte beamed when Jimmy introduced her as his girlfriend.

"So I take it you two are still in high school?" Katherine asked.

"Yes ma'am," Charlotte replied, "we are on our junior year."

"Are you planning to go to college?"

"Yes. I want to go to Stanford but I doubt my parents can afford it," Charlotte answered.

"What about you Liz? What college would you like to attend?"

"MIT, hopefully," Liz answered.

"And can your parents afford it?"

"I don't think so but I am hoping for a scholarship and some student loans, I think I will manage just fine."

"It is my opinion that students should only go to a college they can afford, I am not a big fan of student loans."

"Not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their ass."

The table went silent and Liz realized she had said out the statement loud. She knew she had to apologize but she didn't want to.

After an awkward period, Katherine spoke, "For a girl of seventeen, you speak your opinion too freely."

Liz glanced over at Anna and noted that the girl hadn't uttered a single word since they were introduced. She really needed to keep her big mouth shut before she got Jimmy fired.

They ate the rest of the meal in silence.

Katherine spoke to Jimmy when they finished, "Make sure to clean  the two guestrooms I told you about. My nephews will be arriving tomorrow evening for Christmas."

"Yes ma'am."

"I trust you have heard of Bill Darcy?" Katherine asked Liz and Charlotte, her face beaming with pride, "You must have heard or seen him on social media. The tabloids are always going on about him, and the paparazzi won't leave him alone."

"We met him," Liz said smugly.

"Really? I had no idea he did meet and greets."

"Oh, it wasn't at a meet and greet. He stayed in our town for a few weeks. He went to our school."

Katherine shook her head on disapproval, "I heard of that little stunt he pulled in September. I was so angry at him I scolded him for three days. Taking up residence in a small town and posing as a high schooler was a huge risk, especially since he didn't even have proper security detail."

"He seemed to do just fine."

"I didn't like it at all. I don't know why he keeps on risking his life so. Georgiana would be devastated if something were to happen to her brother."

"I heard Georgiana was coming to DC for Christmas?" Liz asked.

Katherine seemed surprised that she had that information and she studied her shrewdly, "I didn't realize you and my nephew were on such close terms."

"Oh, we aren't. I heard it from one of his friends."

"That good for nothing Charlie Bingley? Or the whore of a sister Carol?"

"The later."

"I thought so. She speaks too much, but yes Georgina is already in DC. It's so sad that she can't make it over to visit, when she likes it in LA so much."

"I am surprised you didn't take over their guardianship when your sister passed away."

"I wanted to but Bill wouldn't let me. Stubborn as a mule, that one."

Liz would have liked to tell Katherine that her nephew probably didn't want her being his guardian because she was a strict cow, but for once, she shut her mouth.

After they had had some desert, Katherine offered her driver to drop them at Jimmy's apartment and Liz was grateful to have the event over with.

Jimmy refused to give up his bed and so Liz and Charlotte made a makeshift bed on the floor with the spare mattress and some pillows. Since it was so uncomfortable and a bit cold, none of them could fall asleep easily, they stayed up late watching a movie.

They were next woken up by a gentle tap on the door. Jimmy had already left for work, Liz rose up from the makeshift bed and went to open the door.

She was surprised and embarrassed when she found Bill Darcy and another young man standing at the door.

"Hey sleepyhead," the young man said cheerfully, his accent definitely British, "Sorry for waking you up, we didn't know you were still asleep."

Liz tried and failed to pull down the shorts she was wearing.

"Can we come in?"

"Of course," Liz said opening the door wide for them and ushering them into the apartment, "Sorry it's a mess."

Charlotte opened one eye, saw who had entered the apartment and rose up, covering herself with the blanket and rushing away to Jimmy's room, leaving Liz to figure out how to talk to two hot boys without letting them smell her morning breath.

"We just arrived and we were bored to death by aunt Katherine's rants when she mentioned you girls were in LA," the young man said looking around the apartment, "My name is Matt, Bill's cousin."

Liz studied him, he wasn't as handsome as Bill, but he had a cute smile and open engaging manners.

"I am sorry, can you two give me a second to clean up and make myself decent?" Liz asked.

Matt smiled, "It's probably won't take you a second,but go ahead."

Liz rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and put on some clothes. She found Charlotte had already done the same. After she was done, she came back to find them patiently waiting.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention when you two came in. Why are you here again?"

"Er, we were wondering if you two would like to hang out and make our Christmas less boring?"

"I thought Mr CEO over there had better things to do?" Liz asked pointing her chin at the silent Bill.

Matt laughed and clapped his cousin on the back,"No he doesn't. We visit our aunt on Christmas, out of obligation, but it gets so boring. When our aunt told us you are here and Bill said he knows you, I thought it would be cool if we hang out."

Liz looked at Charlotte who shrugged.

"Okay. As long as you guys are paying," Liz said.

He grinned, "We are going to have so much fun."

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