Chapter 30

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Liz watched Charlie and Jane move in tandem against the dance floor as cameras snapped away and smiled, besides them, Bill was dancing with Dawn Fowler, who was smiling like the sun was shining out of her ass. Liz ground her teeth in annoyance.

The dance came to an end and the couples dispersed for a break as they waited for the next dance. His eyes immediately sought her out and he made his way to her table, a glass of a drink in each hand. He paused to smile at the cameras before proceeding.

He passed her the glass, "Care for a drink?"

"Yes, thank you," Liz drowned the glass of whatever the hell the drink was in one go.

He leaned back in his seat and studied her, "I thought you didn't drink?"

"I don't drink alcohol and I don't think alcohol is allowed at the prom."

"Are you okay?"

Liz gave him a forced smile, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"You look a little out of sorts. What's wrong? If it's the dance with Dawn, I swear Charlie tricked me into it."

"It's not the dance."

"Then what?"



"You knew, didn't you? That's what you were talking to her about on Wednesday."

"Yes. I just didn't want to worry you."

"She is my sister. You should have come to me immediately."

"So you could take away her phone and ground her and push her further into his arms?"

"Okay, yes but it's for her own good."

"Remember I am raising a teenager, so I know a little bit about how their minds work. Georgina once had a crush on George, and the more I tried to push them apart, the further she got attached to him. I have it all under control."

"Really? Enlighten me because she is still texting him."

"You know Charlie owns a telecommunications company, right?"

"I know he does something with computers, yes."

He smiled, "Telecommunications, not computers Liz. He has been tracking all of George's conversations for me, and when Lydia first made contact with him, I was immediately informed."


"I called the police over there and put him in jail, like I had promised I will do if he so much as texted Lydia. He has been there for three weeks now."

"But then, how has he been..." Liz stopped and looked at Bill who had a smug look on his face.

"You? She has been texting you?"

"Yep. I intercepted the messages, now I get to read all she writes to him."

"That's very disturbing and very genius."

"It's a crush Liz, it will die down. Lydia is thirteen. Let her have her fun."

"But what if..."

He stood up and held a hand to her, "This is not the night of what ifs. Come, let's dance, I saved the waltz for you."

Cameras flashed, blinding their faces as Bill guided her across the floor, his forehead pressed against hers.

"What are you doing?" Liz asked as they swayed to the music. The touch, the movement, the feelings, anyone watching them could tell they were a couple.

"Making a statement," he said as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers.

Liz kissed him back, passionately. To the world, he was making a statement, with her, he was making magic. Liz wouldn't have had their relationship made public in any other way.

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