Chapter 16

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Liz giggled as Matt held her hand and tried to steady her on the ice. He briefly let go of her and she wobbled a little, grabbing onto his arms with both of her hands.

From a distance, she could see Charlotte and Jimmy, ice-skating from the far end, and Bill was a whirlwind on the ice, going so fast it was impossible to keep track of him.

"I am scared."

"Come on, it's Christmas eve, let yourself go a little," Matt said guiding her from behind.

Liz took in a deep breath and tried to follow the instructions, she laughed as she glided on the ice, the wind blowing against her cheeks. Just for a moment that could have been her own pure imagination, Liz caught a glimpse of Bill, watching them, but when she turned to look again, he was already moving away very fast.

For the past week, Matt would come to pick them up from the apartment and take them around LA. Bill always tugged along, Liz didn't know why since he rarely talked to any of them. Whenever she dared steal a glance at him, he seemed lost in his own head. It was also very difficult for him in public places since someone was always trying to snap a photo of him.

Liz had to admit that the trip was fun. The only thing she was dreading was the dinner they had been invited to at his aunt's place again. Liz suspected Katherine had only invited them because all the celebrities were going somewhere else.

When Matt dropped them at Jimmy's apartment, and told her he will be picking them at exactly seven, she decided to dress up a little, just for him. Even though there had been no instant attraction with Matt, Liz was sure there could be a spark there, if she gave him the chance. She just didn't think giving him a chance was a good thing since he lived in another continent and his twenty one years to her seventeen sounded really old.

She dressed up in a little black dress that Charlotte had insisted would look great on her, and it did, and a pair of silver heels. She didn't apply any makeup except a touch of lipgloss, but when she looked at herself in the mirror, she was sure she looked good.

Her efforts were rewarded when Matt whistled when he saw her.

"You look..."

"Thank you," Liz smiled and entered the car, placing her overnight bag on her lap to prevent Matt from staring at her legs. Matt had managed to convince Katherine to let them stay at the mansion overnight.

Charlotte and Jimmy began making out in the back seat, Liz made a face at them in the rearview mirror, causing Matt to laugh as he began driving.

Like the last time she had been to the mansion, dinner was an awkward affair, with Katherine talking continuously about herself and her achievements while the rest of the table was silent.

After dinner, Katherine invited Anna to play some Christmas carols on the piano. Liz did not know if Anna was just naturally nervous or scared of her mother, but she played a few songs, all of them terribly.

The last one was so out of key that Liz let out a snort without realizing it.

Katherine glared at her, "Why don't you play for us Liz? Since you seem to think you are so good?"

Liz shrugged and walked to the piano, "I am no professional but I will try."

She tried and did better than Anna, because Matt and Charlotte clapped for her, and even Bill looked up from his book.

"Play jingle bells, I will help you sing," Matt said as he rose from his seat and came to sit beside her.

To her surprise, Bill rose too and came to stand right next to her, on the other side from Matt.

Liz looked up to him and smiled as she ran her hand across the keys to start up the jingle bells tune, "Why are you here? You could go sit down with your aunt, and judge me properly from there."

He ignored her statement, "I had no idea you could play so well."

"Aren't you the one who said I am full of surprises?"

"Where did you learn it from? I didn't see any performing arts schools in Spring Valley."

Liz laughed, "My dad."

"Your dad? The one who owns a convenient store?"

"Yeah. He used to be a music professor."

"What? Why isn't he anymore? Isn't he a bit too young to be retired?"

"Shit happened and he was fired before I was even born."

"Is he the one who taught you dancing too?"

"How do you know I can dance?"

"The waltz, you kept up with me."

Liz shrugged, "He taught me a little of everything, I guess, vocals,dance,piano,guitar. He is a firm believer of no knowledge is ever wasted."

"Did he teach all your sisters?"

"No. Just me. Mary a little bit, but I have always been closer to him than my other siblings."

He nodded, "I gathered as much."

At that point, Katherine beckoned him to tell him something and Liz continued playing the piano. She was having so much fun with Matt that she knew she will always remember that Christmas.

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