Chapter 12

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Liz had always been semi-popular in school because she was Jane's sister. While Jane's popularity was a constant ten out of ten, Liz always maintained a solid five or six, but with George Wickham on her arm, she instantly went to a ten.

The fact that the hottest exchange student had chosen her suddenly made her interesting. Her hair, her clothes, her face, everything about her became a topic of discussion in the school. To his credit, George maintained his place at her side in spite of receiving several applications to join this and this group.

"So, is it true that George kissed you after class yesterday?" Charlotte asked her on Wednesday morning.

Liz rolled her eyes, "If you had been there like you were supposed to be, you wouldn't be asking."

"Sorry. I had a date."


"I had a date."

Liz laughed, "A date? You? With whom?"

"Okay, don't be mad, okay? But it was with Jimmy."

"Jimmy? My Jimmy?"

"He is not your anything."

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, Jimmy Collins. Are you mad?"

Liz shook her head and studied Charlotte curiously, "I am not mad. Just... surprised."

"Why? Because you think since you can't love him, no one else should?"

"No. Not at all. It's just that he is kind of an idiot."

Charlotte blinked, "So?"

"So? So, you are better than that."

"For your information, that idiot has got a job with the biggest music label in LA."

"I know Charlotte. I just..."

"You just what? You want me to have the same taste in men that you do? We can't all have a Wickham."

Liz could see it turning into a big fight so she decided go slow on the judgement accelerator, "Well, if he is what you want, go for it."

George joined them in a moment and they separated at the lockers leaving Charlotte to go her own way.

Bill had not been seen at school since Monday, Liz had heard from Jane that he had travelled to San Francisco for business reasons, but she suspected he had gone away to avoid meeting George.

"So are you engaged for the  dance on Friday?" George asked her with a grin as they walked to class.

Liz smiled. To welcome to the exchange students, the school had organized for a kind of early homecoming dance in the school gym. There won't be a queen, but they were allowed to dress up and go as couples. Classes would come to an end before noon, and the whole school will have the afternoon off to get ready. Spring Valley being the small town it was, it was the most exciting event of that fall.

"No. I am not," Liz answered.

He offered her his hand and Liz placed hers in it. He brought it to his mouth and he brushed his lips gently across the knuckles, "Would you do me the honour of being my date to the dance?"

Liz was aware of several eyes looking at them, she could sense the anticipation of her fellow students as they watched them. She wished George would have asked her in private.

"Of course," she replied and he kissed her knuckles again before letting go of her hand.

"Isn't it cute?" One girl cooed.

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