Chapter 8

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Charlie carried Jane downstairs to supper bridal style, and his attention to her during meal proved that he liked her,a lot. He did not speak a word to Carol, no one spoke to Carol except Bill, who answered her questions with a yes or no, out of politeness.

Charlie helped Liz clear the table and wash the dishes. In the kitchen alone, he took the opportunity to apologize to her.

"I am so sorry that your sister was hurt. It's all my fault."

"I agree," Liz replied with a smile.

He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "I know I shouldn't have left them alone but Louise is usually quite harmless."

"I still think she is safer in a facility."

"She has been in a facility for six years. I just wanted to give her a life."

"What if she seriously injures someone next time?"

"She wouldn't do that."

"Did you think she would stab Jane?"

"That was all Carol's fault, she knows what triggers Louise."

"You mean to tell me she aggravated her on purpose?"

Charlie hesitated, "I...I don't know. All I know is that I can't trust her with Louise again."

"Well, you are the guardian, I believe you know what's best for Louise."

After they finished, Charlie helped Jane upstairs to the guest room and did not look like wanted to leave her alone, forcing Liz to take her books downstairs and try to finish her homework from there.

She found Bill and Carol reading while Louise and Jake lay intertwined on the couch. She took the seat furthest from the pair on the table and took up her Calculus homework.

After a few seconds, Bill's phone pinged on the table, Liz stole a glance at him as he took the phone, read the message, and smiled a little bit. Liz realized it was the first time she had seen him smile since she met him and she wondered what made such a person smile so.

"Is that Georgiana texting you?"

"Yeah," he replied without looking up from his phone as he continuously typed back.

"What a cutie. What does she say?"

"She just scored another straight A on a test."

"She is so smart. Tell her I miss her."

"Didn't you tell her that via Skype the other day?"

"That was that day. I miss her today too."

"Then take up your phone and text her that yourself."

Liz looked up at them curiously. She wanted to ask who was Georgiana, but from the fond smile on Bill's face, she guessed it was probably his super hot million dollar girlfriend.

"She takes years to reply to my messages. It's not fair that she replies to yours in an instant when I am her best friend."

"Fourteen and seventeen is a little big of an age gap to be best friends, trust me."

Again, Liz glanced up, her curiosity doubled, he had a fourteen year old girlfriend? Weird.

"I still think Charlie likes her. Her crush on him is just the cutest thing."

Bill glanced at Carol with an annoyed look, "For the last time Carol, my sister doesn't like Charlie."

Sister? He had a sister? Somehow, Liz found that one hard to believe. He looked and sounded like a spoiled,selfish, only child.

"You have a sister?" Liz blurted out before she could stop herself.

He smiled and tapped on his phone and pushed it towards Elizabeth, "Yes. Georgiana."

Liz took phone and looked at the picture of the young girl wearing a navy blue school uniform. Brown hair a shade lighter than Liz's own, emerald eyes, a heart shaped face, slightly crooked teeth in braces and a shy smile. Liz knew instantly that if she ever met Georgiana, she would like her, and vice versa.

"Isn't she the cutest thing?" Carol asked as she grabbed the phone from Liz to admire Georgiana herself.

"Why isn't she here with you?I thought you were the legal guardian?" Liz asked.

"She attends a boarding school," he replied.

Liz gave a slight nod and went back to her work. How typical of him to dump his responsibilities in a boarding school and go galvanizing around the world. The poor girl.

"I take it from that look that you are not a fan of boarding schools?" He asked putting aside his book and inclining his chair to get a better view of her face.

"You are the guardian, who am I to judge you?"

"In England, boarding schools are very common for students from years 11-16 and the kids actually like it there. It's not just a Hogwarts thing."

"Did you just make a Harry Potter reference?" Liz laughed.

"What? They are good books and I have a fourteen year old sister."

"I thought you only read business daily or something."

Carol cleared her throat, clearly not understanding what they were talking about, "Do you guys want to watch a movie?"

"Actually, I am gonna go talk to my dad and go to bed. Goodnight," Liz said as she gathered up her books and left.

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