Chapter 25

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Liz soon got back into her normal routine at school. As the summer holidays came closer, she and Charlotte began to send in applications for internships to different companies. Charlotte was determined to get one in LA, Liz wasn't so sure about it.

Liz had just finished her finals and was spending the weekend working at her father's store with Jane when her sister dropped the bomb.

"I don't want to go to state college."

Liz stared at her sister in confusion. They never said it out loud, but it was a foregone conclusion that Jane was going to state college. It was all their dad could afford. Jane got excellent grades in school, but she had never shown the ambition that was so evident in Liz.

"What do you mean you don't want to go to state college?" Her dad asked.

"I mean exactly that. I don't want to go there."

They were arranging items on the shelves, so her dad arranged a row of shower gels in silence before he turned back to Jane.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Well, my counselor advised me to try applying to other colleges and yesterday, I got an email, I have been accepted to Georgetown."

Liz knew Jane had applied to other colleges, but she just assumed her sister would do the practical thing.

"And you want to go? All the way to DC?" Asked her father.

"Yes. My counselor says it will be good for me to get out of Spring Valley and spread my wings."

Her dad smiled at his eldest daughter, "Well, good for you."

"No, no. Not good dad. Not good at all, you can't afford Georgetown, Jane, you know that."

Jane smiled at Liz and exchanged a look with her dad, "I know Liz, but they are giving me a partial scholarship, I will get a job this summer to save for my upkeep. It won't be too stressful on dad, I promise."

Liz hugged Jane happily, "Well, in that case, I am so happy for you."

"I was too, until now," her dad said looking outside their store where two customers stood.

Liz recognized them immediately, there was no mistaking Bill's authoritative posture and Charlie's head that glowed, like a halo. Liz felt a rush of happiness and apprehension at the same time.

Charlie looked at their direction and smiled directly at Jane, that was the only que that Jane needed, she stepped out of the store and walked straight into Charlie's arms. Bill was standing a short distance away. Liz pretended to stock more items as she gave them a sideways look. Charlie leaned in to whisper a few words in Jane's ears and Jane blushed. She gestured to the store, then she walked back inside.

"I am going out dad," Jane declared as she walked to the back of the store, probably to retrieve her purse.

"Where are you going?" Asked her dad. Ever since Lydia's kidnap, her dad tried to be a bit stricter with them.

"Charlie and I are going to hang out at his house."

"So you guys are back together?"

"Something like that."

"Are you or are you not?"

"We have been talking on phone. We still have some issues to sort out, but I think we are good."

"Did you know that?" Her dad mouthed to her.

Liz shook her head. She had no idea Jane and Charlie had been talking to each other, at least that explained Jane's happy mood of late.

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