Chapter 6

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The call from Jane came at exactly half past midnight, when Liz was preparing herself for bed.

She picked it up and was surprised to find Carol Bingley on the other end.

"Liz? Thank goodness. You need to get here, ASAP."

Liz was confused, "What? Where is Jane? Is she okay?"

"She is...sick."

"What?" Liz was already getting herself back into her clothes as she spoke, "Call an ambulance or something, I am on my way."

"We can't."

"Can't what? What's wrong with her?"

"She is hurt."

"Then call an ambulance, or take her to hospital for heaven's sake. Can she speak? I will just get my dad and we will..."


"Don't what?"

"Get your dad. Listen to me Liz, Jane is okay. She can talk. She just needs you here, alone. Don't tell anyone, and don't let your parents see you leaving. It could get my brother in trouble."

Carol's words did little to comfort Liz, she wanted to tell her dad, but the thought of Charlie getting in trouble...she had to go and see what it was first.

"Okay, I am on my way," Liz whispered as she tiptoed out of the house.

She knew her parents wouldn't hear her car drive away, they were both quite heavy sleepers.

Her hands were shaking as she manuvered the car and parked it in front of the beach house. If Jane was hurt, it was her own fault, she was the one who had approved of her staying there for the night.

Carol met her at the door, looking dishevelled and worried and her make up was for once not so perfect. She led Liz to the living room where Jane was lying on the couch, a lot of blood was pooling around her left leg and she looked really pale.

Liz rushed to her, "Jane? What happened?"

Louise stared at the ground, "It was my fault. Am so sorry Jane."

Liz lifted up the sheet covering Jane to look at the leg and observed a huge gash, made probably by the kitchen knife that was lying on the table, covered in blood.

The wound was deep but it didn't appear to be lethal.

"Get me the first aid kit," Liz said.

Carol obeyed immediately. Once she had the kit, Liz went to work. She cleaned the blood around the wound with antiseptic and bandaged it silently. She had learned basic first aid at a young age, she knew it could come in handy in a small town like Spring Valley.

Once cleaned and bandaged, the wound didn't look so bad. In fact, Jane even managed to sit down. Liz had been afraid she would need stitches.

"So, anyone wants to tell me what is going on?" Liz asked.

Jane forced a pained smile and looked at Louise, "It wasn't your fault Louise, I am fine now, don't worry about it."

"What happened?" Liz asked her sister sternly.

Jane exchanged a look with Carol before replying hesitantly, "Louise and I had a fight."

"That ended in her stabbing you with a knife? That's bullshit. We both know you don't fight."


"It wasn't her. I was fighting with Carol," Louise said quickly.

"How comes Jane is the one with the wound then?"

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