The surprise (7)

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To day we find out how many I'm having and what gender I am now about 3 out of 5 months preggo and feel huge and my pregnancy is only 5 months because both parents are alpha blood. I get dressed and ready for my appointment when there's a knock at my door I go and open it up to see Jake on the other side ready to head out.
When we get to the pack doctors in the castle oh ya forgot to mention my family is letting me stay here be cause of Hunter. But as soon as they call my name me and Jake head in to the sonogram room and wait for the doctor. When the doctor enters she asks me to lift up my shirt and then puts the gel crap on it and looks at the monitor. I listen and hear 2 heart beats from the machine but wait for her to confirm it. "Well congrats looks like you are having twins Luna ones a girl but I can't quite tell what the other one is but maybe by next visit. Oh and before I forget you are gonna go in to labor sooner than other wolves so be carful what you do because once you're in your 4th month of pregnancy the twins could come at any time." she warns us and she called me luna b/c I an dating Jake. After she tells us we can go and we do.
Let me tell you something you missed Jake lost his mate she was killed by her father who is a vampire, her mother was a werecat. After she died me and Jake started to date and have been for about 1 1/2 month now.
When we get back to the castle there is a car I don't recognized in the drive way. We walk inside and head for the kitchen to grab something for us to eat now that I'm eating for 3 and the fact that Jake and I are both growing wolves. Jake ends up making 3 cheese chicken parmesan for lunch and it tasted great.
"Jacob, Aria can you two please come to my study ASAP." Jake's dad Mark tells us over intercom. So we head up to his study. "Jakey will you carry me rest if the way my feet hurt. Pwease!!!!" I ask about half way there.
"Sure anything for you and the pups." He replies, and the next thing I know I am being carried like a baby in his arms the rest of the way.
When we get up to Marks office we walk in and I do a double take. "Hunter WTF are you doing here." I ask in a not so calm voice. "Checking on my mate and pup." he answers. I guess I should tell him. "One I rejected you and two I don't want you near my pups." I snapped at him. "What do you mean pups as in you are having more than one?" He asked. Wow well I guess bows a good time to tell him. "I'm having twins and one is a girl we don't know about the other." I tell him, something had too of clicked in his head. "So you are having twins and one could be my heir and you weren't planing on telling me this."He tells me, wow does he think that low of me. "No I was going to tell you when I was ready." I reply to him. "Sure you were gonna." he says and with that he storms out of the office and I start to cry.
Wrote this in class almost got caught but it was worth it.

So please

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