Rewrite Chapter 1

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June and Jewel blow out the candles on their birthday cake a smiles on their faces. They have been waiting for this day since they were little and learned of what they were, wolf shifter or werewolves.

You see wolf shifters shift for the first time the night of their 15th birthday as well as being able to find their mate, the person or people the moon goddess blessed you with, your soul mate. It use to be 18 but with packs moving around less mates were being found, less children born from bless matches, and the species was getting weaker. So it is believed that the goddess lowered the age to 15 to give them more time. Each pack and family within the pack have their own opinions on what should happen if a minor finds their mate. Some see their children as adults as soon as they find their mates so their choices are theirs, other think mating should wait until all mates involved are above the age of 18. It truly does very family to family. Anyways back to the story.

June looks at her twin in pure excitement. Tonight was the night they were going to shift for the first time. Jewel shares her sisters look pure excitement is felt through the family.

"Happy birthday girls." Their parents Helen and David say kissing each girl on the top of their head.

"Our grandpups are growing up so fast." Their grandmother Jean says tears in her eyes. Her husband George wraps an arm around her.

"Come on girl we have time for presents before you shift. We will do cake afterwards the sugar won't be good for you." Their mother says and the twins nods walking into the living room.

Everyone sits on the couches and pass presents to the girls. One each from each family member. June starts with the smallest present first while Jewel starts with the largest. June unwraps the small box and opens it finding a golden necklace with a moon and star pendant on it. A small note sits under the necklace and June pulls it out and reads it. '15 is a big year for all wolves especially alpha children. Remember your dreams and shoot for the stars. -Grandma and Grandpa'. June looks at her grandparents and gives them a smile.

After presents the girls take them all up to their rooms. June places everything on her bed to go through later and walks over to her wardrobe pulling out the white cotton dress given to her for her shift. She strips down and slides on the dress. She looks around her room one last time, this could be her last memory before pain and death. She prays to the moon goddess that she survives, her family can't handle anymore loss... June makes her way down the stairs meeting her twin at the bottom.

"You read Jewel?" Jewel gives her a forced smile.

"As ready as I can be. You ready for this June?"

"I am, live or die its in the goddess's hands now." Jewel nods and takes her sisters hand together the girls make their way into the back yard where everyone is waiting.

"As you girls know our family has many traditions. You are well aware of the naming tradition of our family. Each generation is named with a different letter starting at a ending with z then we restart avoiding the letter i. Or hide and seek on the winter solstice. Now you will participate in another." Their grandfather George starts before taking a breath. "This tradition is only told on the night of a first shift by the eldest member. It is a secret of our families success in shifting. You were both given the white cotton dress you are wearing. We will head to the lake here on family land you both with submerge yourselves completely for one minuet your parents will be there to alert you. You will then come to shore and lay in the light of the moon. You will be shifting there. Your shift will begin shortly after. Your mother is holding the dresses you will will change into after your shift. Each color has a different meaning we will let you know once we return home after cake." He claps his hands. "Now lets go." He leads the family into the woods on the families personal property.

The group makes it to the lake and the girls are walked into the lake by their parents.

"Take a deep breath it will be over before you know it." Their mother tells them. The twins hold hands and together submerge themselves completely. June opens her eyes she feels her fathers hand on her shoulder helping her stay under without exserting to much energy and air. She locks eyes with Jewel, her red hair floating around her green eyes locked on June's green eyes. Jewel has a fear of being underwater her body is tense as she is trying not to panic. June squeezes her sisters hand using the opposite to signal for her to try and calm down. Jewel takes her sisters other hand and squeezes them both tightly.

Soon enough a minuet passes and the girls are allowed to resurface. The come above the water gasping for air, they release each other placing their hands on their knees. Their parents had other plans ushering the girls on to the shore and into the moonlight.

As they lie there a small muscle spasm runs through their bodies June first than Jewels. June stares up into the sky watching the stars just praying that bother her and Jewel make it through. They've been through too much for this to be what kills them. June lets out a scream as her wrist and all of the bones in her hand snap the sound heard by everyone present and the scream heard by rest of the pack. The alpha's daughters have begun their first shifts. Many bow their heads and send out a prayer for the twins. June soon hears her sister's screams join hers. Both bodies now convulsing on the ground from the pain of all of their bones breaking. They are both turned onto their stomachs by their grandfather just in time as their spines snap and elongate. The one hour mark hits and the family grows concerned it shouldn't be taking this long. A mix of a scream and a howl comes out of Jewel's mouth and she finally shifts. This causes more concern for June. As the elder twin and the one who begun shifting first she should've shifted. Helen lets out a sob in joy and pain. Her youngest daughter had successfully shifted into a beautiful red wolf with black and gray markings in her coat her breathing is shallow and her eyes are closed but she's alive and shifted. Everyone's attention snaps back to June as a pitiful whine leaves her lips. The family bows their head this is it. The first member in centuries to die during their shift. The name June will be banned for use in the family just like the letter i. The only thing they can so is sit and watch as June looses the battle to shift. The woman cry into their husbands arms mourning the loss of their eldest daughter before she even takes her last breath.


Here is the first chapter of the rewrite along with a taste of the story to come. I hope you all enjoyed it!!

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