The Rejection (6)

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This chapter is desiccated to tigerlillywolf for being one of the first people that I'm not friends with for voting.Thank you. Aria's outfit above


When I woke up in the morning I headed into the bathroom to first puke my guts out then take a shower. After i take my shower i get dressed for the day and head down stairs to eat breakfast.When I get down there I see Hunter in the kitchen eating some waffles. I walk over to the cook and order some raspberry waffles and some fruit.

When I go to sit down Hunter tries to grab me and put me on his lap, key word tries. I pull away from his grip and go sit down on the other side of the bar, and start to eat my food. "Whats your problem why wont you acknowledge me." Hunter asks me, i roll my eyes and continue to eat my breakfast. "Why arnt you talking to me!" Hunter askes me, I finish eating and am about to repile till Jake walks into the room with a descusted look on his face when he sees Hunter.
"What are you doing here asshole." Jake says to Hunter. "Hanging out and eating with my pregnant mate what does it look like." Hunter replied while me and Jake rolled are eyes.
"A can I speak to you alone?" Hunter asks me. "Sure I guess Jake can you please leave for a minuet." I say then as Jake leaves the room the maid from last nite comes into the kitchen and winks at Hunter. I act like I don't see it, that's until he winks back at her.
"Hunter can we go to my room and talk I gotta show you something." I ask him. "Sure lets go." he grabs my hand and were off to my room.

When we get there I close the door and sit on the bed and grab my laptop while patting next to me for him to sit.
"Hunter I want you to honest with me I won't be that mad, but are you cheating on me with that maid?" I ask him already knowing the answer. "No why would I do that to you and the pup." he answers. "I was wondering the same thing last nite when I walked in on you and the maid." I tell him he looks at me as if I'm lying. "You have no proof if I did." he replies to me little did he know. I grab my laptop and open my videos from the camera and hit play from when I walk in and fast forward it to when the maid leaves. "Don't try to fucking lie to me asshole!!!!" I yell at him getting more pissed by the second.
Hunter stands up to leave when I hear Jake at the door and I realize what I have to do.

"I Aria Faye Lynn Manchester reject you Hunter Cain Jackson as my mate from this day forward." I state when I reject him. Jake comes in to the room and has the guards take tho who shall not be named back to his territory and then come and gives me a hug. "Jakey in the morning will you got my ultrasound with me?" I ask him "of course A I wouldn't miss it.
Hey guys I am gonna skip ahead a 2 months so she can find out how many pups she's having and what gender in the next chapter that is in the works as of now leave boy and girl baby name in the comments please.

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