The pregnancy and The Royal family (5)

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This chapter is dedicated to memcy_uca for adding my book to favorite reading list.

When we arrived at the castle we are escorted to the front door. Then we head inde and saw the king and queen standing there.we all do a slight bow then stand back up. ''How are you guys and also great to see you again.'' The queen said and gave us a hug then turned to Hunter. ''so you are A's mate good to know you hurt her I hurt you got it." She tells Hunter, he gulped and nodded his head. Then the king came over to me and gave me a hug. Ok I should probably exsplain why my family is so close to the Royal family, well my mom and the queen are bestfriends and grew up in the same pack, so when she became the queen my family became close to the royal family. The queens name is Lily and the kings is Nick. "Hey Lilly when is the prince and also can we get shown to are rooms?'' I ask. " The Prince is away and is coming home in an hour and I will have a maid show you to your rooms a separate one for everyone except for my bestie and her mate am I right." she said and asked." yes that is right" replied my dad. After we are shown to are rooms I go and take a shower and then get dressed and bead down stairs to the living room.

A couple hours later Im watching teen wolf on the couch with Hunter sitting next to me when the door opens and i realize it was Prince Jacob's. I get up and Hunter follows me to the door. "Jakey your home!!!!" i scream and jump in to his open arms. this is how it always happens he smells my sent right as i start screaming then opens his arms to catch me."A oh my gosh your here I missed you" he screams back as he spun us around in a circle. Then I hear Hunter growl in his throte but ignore it and go back to hugging Jake. "So baby girl how have you been." Jake assked "I've missed you a lot but other than i have been good. How have you been?" i tell and ask him. " Ive been good ive missed you more than you can imagen. So you want to go watch a movie in my room like old times?" he asks me. I forget that Hunter is standing there till I turn around. "Ya I would love to but can Hunter come to he is my mate well posibly Im still pissed at him for something he did.?" I ask Jake knowing we would be sitting on his couch that he has in his room. "ya sure I guess if he wants." Jake says, then all of us head up to his room.

We have watch 7 movies so far and have eaten 3 giant buckets of popcorn 2 pizzas and some cake rght know Im laying across the couch with my head in Hunters lap and my feet on Jake. About half way through the 8th movie I start to feel sick and run to the bathroom and lift up the toilet seat and start to puck my guts out i feel my hair being pulled back and put up and know its Jake because Hunter was pased out.Once I was done i got up brushed my teeth with the tooth brush i keep in his room and go back into the other room and sit back down and finish the movie.

Its about midnite now and decide i better wake Hunter up and then go to bed my self. After I finally have him up and start to walk out the door."Nite Jake." i tell him "nite A love you." hunter growls slightly."Love you too see you tomorrow." Hunter lets out a loud growl and storms out of the room. I head straight to my room and get ready for bed . Once my head hit the pillow i was out like a light.

1 Week later

Over the past week i have been sick well i have no temp no other symptoms besides vomiting up my guts every now and again and Im also late and Im never late . There is a knock at the door and Hunter walks in along with Jake with a bag. "The pack doctor gave us these go take all 5." Hunter tells me, I look in the bag and see 5 pregnancy test then go into the bathroom and take them all and wait 3 minuets and break down crying after reading the first 2. The boys come in and look at me and read them all and Hunter looks happy? I am not sure the Jake looks ok with it. Hunter picks me up and puts me on my bed then sits down next to me as Jake walks out. "We have to tell are parent and your brother," Hunter said I look at and got an idea. "Hunter if I tell my parents and all my friends that are protective over me will you tell my brothers please." i ask him while kissing his neck. I hope this works and it does not blow up in my face." Sure i guess lets go tell them now." Hunter gives in not knowing my brothers are super over protective of me. Ha ha sucker. "ok well my brothers are in the spare office down the hall and Im going to tell my parents." then I walk off and go to tell my parents.

Well my brothers and parents know and lets say my brothers didn't take it to well, Hunter has a black eye, 3 bruised ribs and a broken nose and is terrified of my brothers now. All well, he probably deserved it or not all well. Its about 7 now and we are all eating dinner well more like me trying to eat and Hunter taking away my food saying its not good for the baby then Jake giving it back to me then Hunter taking it away again. All of the sudden I am picked up off my chair and put into Jake's lap. He starts to spoon feed me so Hunter cant take it away from me anymore. I look over at Hunter and see he is getting irritated, but he took my food he deserves it. After dinner I head up stairs to get ready for bed when I here some people talking and see its my brothers then continue on my way. After I am ready for bed I head to Hunters room to talk to him and see whats wrong. I get to his door and hear moaning and open his door to see him and a maid going at it. I slamed the door shut and put a camra up acroos the hall from his room then go to mine and watch the feed through my laptop for about 20 mineuts when the pain of him having an affair hits me and he still hasn't come out so I close the lap top and fall in to a world of dreams.





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