Mom Dad Meet... (21)

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   "Can't even hang out with friends

Without ya blowin' up my phone

Why you all in my ear

Like where am I and when am I coming home

Why you listening to your friends?

They don't wanna see us be.

Boy You better take it slow

Or I'll be history

You've got to give me my space

So quick to calling my name

Boy you better recognize

My love is one of a kind

You drive me up to the ceiling

Boy there's no need for the screaming you know that you are my world

But I'm sick and tired of the

La La La La La La La La

That's all I hear you saying"

I turn the alarm off and get up. I see the triplets still sleeping and go into my bathroom to take a quick shower. I wash my hair and body then get out. I change into a sweater and a pair of jeans and head down stairs. I walk into the kitchen and see my parents and both of my brothers along with Zay eating pancakes. I grab 2 and sit down to eat.

"Mom, dad I need to show you some thing along with Noah and Jayden later this afternoon Zay is coming with."

"OK sweet heart what time are we leaving?" My mom asks me.

"Meet me in the front room at 11:45. That gives me an hour to get the triplets up and ready to go." They all nod in agreement, so I head up stairs and walk into my room. "Wakey wakey my little rays of sunshine!" I yell they wake up. "We are going to see mommy's friend that she told you not to talk about so when we meet him act like you don't know him ok?"

"Otay momma." All three of them reply. I get them dressed in their outfits for the day. We go down stairs and I give them 1 pancake each with some juice in a sippy cup. After they eat I see that its 11:43 and head into the living room with them.

"Ok guys lets head out when we get there give me a minuet." I get okays from everyone and we head out. We finally arrive and I look at my phone and see its 11:55 so I tell everyone to stay there and I will be right back. I walk over to the spot I
met up with Landon last night and waited for him. I only had to wait 2 minuets before he appears. I see him and 4 others appear. He walks over to me. "Landon who did you bring with you?" I asked him curiously.
"I brought my best friends. I'll introduce you in a minute."
"Ok when I walk out wait till I call you."
"Ok babe." He replies. I walk back over to where my family is.
"Do you guys promise not to say or do anything until I'm done explaining." The nod their heads in agreement. "Babe come here." He walks out followed by his friends. Everyone but Zay stiffens. "Mom, dad, brothers whom I love dearly meet Landon my second chance mate."
Ok guys I know it's been a long wait but before you kill me it's not my fault. I was forced to join a fall sport then last week I got a concussion and wasn't aloud to be on my phone or computer and I'm still not supposed to be but all well.
Anyways please


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