Chapter 6

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The trolls laughed, and sang, as they journeyed through the forest together, making their way towards their destination.

     "Are we there yet?" Cooper whined, the snack pack groaning in annoyance.
"Cooper..." Poppy said softly, trying not to offend the giraffe-like troll. "That's the tenth time you've asked that in the past two minutes."
"Well... I'm board," he complained. "And my feet hurt..."
"We'll be there soon," Poppy assured. "Don't worry."

     Cooper sighed, looking around for a moment, before turning back to his friends.

     "Are we there yet?" he asked again.
"Cooper!" everyone yelled at once, causing him to flinch slightly.

     "Ugh... fine..." Cooper whined, shutting his big mouth.


     It was getting dark, as the group of trolls set up camp for the night. They had traveled far from their village, and still had a long ways to go.

     Everyone was exhausted from their journey, falling asleep quickly in their sleeping leaves.

     Branch stood off in the distance unnoticed, making sure everyone remained safe. He didn't sleep at all that night, patrolling the area for any dangers. He would protect the trolls. He would protect Poppy...


In the morning, the trolls awoke from their good night's sleep, beginning to walk once more.

     After a few hours, they all froze in their tracks, suddenly standing face to face with a group of trolls they had never seen before.

These trolls were different from Poppy, and her friends. They were all either blue or purple, and their hair fell down towards the ground, instead of going up in the air.

     Also, their ears were bigger, and pointier than the trolls in Troll Village.

"Hello," the leader of the Enchanted Forest trolls greeted, stepping forewords to meet their visitors.

Peppy smiled, greeting her back.

"Hi. I am King Peppy, and this is my daughter, Princess Poppy."

He lifted Poppy off the ground, as she waved to the new trolls, happy to be making new friends.

The leader of the Enchanted Forest trolls smiled, nodding slightly at the little girl.

"I am Chief Tula," she introduced. "And it is nice to finally meet you all. We have prepared a special feast to celebrate your arrival. Please. Come join us."

Tula led the trolls into the Enchanted Forest, as Branch watched sneakily from behind a tree.

He didn't like it there. He could sense danger, and knew that it wasn't safe. Something bad was going to happen. Something very... very bad...

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