Chapter 31

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Branch lay in the hospital bed, his colors slowly fading away more and more with each passing second. His eyes were closed, and his breathing was slow and shaky, feeling too weak to do anything other than lay there, completely motionless.

Poppy sat in a chair beside Branch's bed, holding his hand gently in hers, as she looked down at him, her heart aching in despair.

It had been so long since Poppy had seen Branch grey, but there was something different about this time. It didn't seem like he was turning grey from sadness. It was more like his life was being sucked out of him, his colors fading along with it.

His breathing was so slow, it almost looked like he wasn't breathing at all, and it just kept getting slower and slower by the minute.

"Branch?" Poppy whispered, hoping he would reply, but he didn't say a word... he didn't move... he didn't do anything... "Please, Branch," she whispered, tears flowing from her eyes. "You have to be ok."

He didn't move. He just kept laying there, almost completely lifeless, his colors leaving him completely.

"I don't know if you can hear me, Branch..." Poppy said softly, tears sparkling in her big pink eyes. "But please... I can't lose you. You have to wake up. I love you so much, Branch... please be ok..."

She lowered her head, her ears drooping in sadness as he didn't respond.

     "Branch, please..." she muttered softly, holding his hand tightly in hers. "I need you..."

     The queen of pop gasped, as she suddenly felt Branch's grip tighten slightly on her hand, letting her know that he could hear her, and he was doing his best to stay with her.

     It took all the energy he had just to make that little movement... but he needed to let her know he didn't want her to worry about him. He wanted her to be happy. Even... if he wasn't around...

     "Branch..." she whispered, stroking his cheek gently, as she gazed down at him.

"How's he doin'?" Delta asked softly, as she and a bunch of other trolls from the village walked in, all of them holding flowers and balloons that said; 'get well soon'.

Poppy shook her head, looking away from them in sadness, not wanting to answer. She just couldn't say what the doctors had told her. She didn't want to believe it...

  The group of trolls all lowered their heads in sorrow, knowing exactly what she was too sad to say.

Slowly, Branch's hand began to loosen it's grip on Poppy's, as he began to lose consciousness, the world around him becoming fuzzy.

Poppy looked up at him, feeling his hand fall away from hers.

     As she looked up, she gasped, her eyes widening in horror, seeing him begin to shake slightly, as if he were having a seizure.

"Branch?" she whispered breathlessly. "Branch!"

Everyone looked up at Poppy's scream, gasping as they saw what was happening.

"Doctor!" Poppy cried out, squeezing Branch's hand tighter than she already had been. "We need a doctor!"

Quickly, Hickory ran out of the room to find help, as everyone else watched on in fear, not knowing what to do.

     "Come on, Branch..." Poppy cried, looking down at the shaking grey troll in sorrow. "Stay with me. Please... don't leave..."

Slowly, Branch stopped shaking, as his hand fell away from Poppy's completely.

Poppy's eyes widened, as she looked down at him, her heart sinking into her stomach.

"Branch?" she whispered, but he didn't react. "Branch! Wake up!" she cried out loudly, shaking him back and forth, desperately trying to wake him up. "Please, Branch! Talk to me! Look at me! Do something! Anything!"

     Everyone watched, their eyes wide in concern. No one knew what to do or say... they all just stood there in complete silence, not even breathing...

Quickly, the doctor ran in, pushing past everyone to get to Branch.

She checked him over, taking his temperature... his blood pressure... each time when she finished checking, she seemed sad, moving on to the next test.

     Finally, she lifted his arm, placing her fingers gently on his wrist, feeling for a pulse.

Slowly, she lowered his arm, as she sighed, looking up at Poppy sadly, and shaking her head.

"No..." Poppy whispered, shaking her head slowly, as she stared at the doctor wide eyed, not wanting to believe what she was telling her. "No!"

She hugged Branch tight, crying hysterically, unable to stop.

Everyone watched in sadness, slowly lowering their heads in respect for the recently departed.

"Branch..." Poppy whimpered, burying her face into his chest. "I... I love you..."

(Yeah... I'm gonna just be SUPER mean and end the chapter like this. See you later 😁)

(P.S. I am SUPER sorry about this. I'm writing it, and I'm like... "is this too much? Nah... it's fine." 😂 And then I'm like... "what if I just end the chapter like this? Yeah. I'm totally doing that.")

(Again... I am REALLY sorry)

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