Chapter 50

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Poppy and Branch headed outside, the sun rising higher and higher into the sky, but since it was still so early, no one else was up yet. They were all still fast asleep in their tents, dreaming peacefully.

Tula and Barb were already sitting at the fire pit, waiting for the two trolls to arrive.

"You two coming or what?" Barb asked, tired of waiting.

The two trolls walked over, holding hands, as they sat down at the unlit fire pit.

     "So... what are we supposed to..." Branch started, looking around in confusion as nothing happened.

"Fuego," Chief Tula suddenly called out, interrupting Branch, as she pointed at the fire pit.

A little ball of fire suddenly came scurrying across the dirt, jumping into the fire pit, before growing much bigger.

     The three trolls watched on in amazement, as the once empty fire pit now held large, beautiful flames blowing slightly in the breeze.

"You've all met Aqua," Tula said, smirking a bit, as she looked at the three trolls beside her, amused by their reaction to the fire. "Well... this is her brother Fuego."

A flame in the shape of a hand came out of the fire, waving kindly to the trolls.

"H... hi?" Branch said nervously, the three of them waving back.

"Fuego. Show them what really happened all those years ago," Chief Tula said to the fire.

Immediately, little figures popped out of the flames, as if the trolls were watching a movie in the fire.

"Look!" Poppy shouted out joyfully, pointing at one of the flame trolls. "That's my dad! And there's us, Branch!" She pointed at a group of trolls standing off together, talking and having fun. "We were so tiny!" Poppy yelled, thinking about how cute they were way back then.

"Pay attention, Popsqueek," Barb said, suddenly eating popcorn that came from who knows where. "This is getting good."

Flashback Through Flames

"King Peppy," Chief Tula said softly, walking up behind him. Peppy turned at the sound of the voice, looking at her suspiciously. He didn't trust her after what had happened the day before. She had kidnapped Branch, and threatened his people. That was completely un-acceptable...

"I would like to formally apologize for my behavior yesterday," Tula said politely.

Peppy smiled at her statement, forgiving her instantly.

"And I would like to apologize for my people building that dam without your permission," Peppy said in return. "It really was supposed to be a gift to stop flooding in your village."

She smiled at his apology, but her smile quickly faded, as she looked at him firmly.

"About the dam..." she started. "I'd like to explain to you why I got so upset about it."
"Of course," Peppy nodded. "I'm listening."
"Well... it's just that..." She paused, as she caught a glimpse of Branch through the corner of her eye.

     He was standing over with the rest of the snack pack, fiddling nervously with his fingers, as he looked at Poppy, trying to work up the courage to tell her how he felt.

"Hmm..." Tula mumbled, glaring over at the grey troll suspiciously.

Branch laughed at a joke Poppy had just told, smiling with pure joy. He had never been happier than these past few days when he was with Poppy. But his smile quickly faded, when he noticed Chief Tula staring at him intently.

Trolls and the Enchanted Forest (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now