Chapter 18

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That night, the snack pack sat around the fire, as the flames danced for them, putting on a little movie. The children all watched in amazement, smiling at the beauty of it, never having seen anything like it.

"Isn't this great, Branch?" Poppy whispered, with a big smile plastered on her face, as she watched the flames dance right in front of her face. No answer... "Branch?"

The young princess looked around confused, noticing Branch wasn't at the fire with them.

     "Uh... Branch?"

She stood, looking around some more, until she finally spotted him at the edge of the pond.

He was sitting crisscross at the edge of the pond, his head resting on his hand, as he threw a small stone into the water. He seemed upset... what was wrong?

As the stone plopped down into the pond, the water grabbed it, brining it back over to the young troll.

     Branch blinked at the water snake in front of him, still a little nervous around it.

     Gently, the water placed the stone back into Branch's hand, looking at him afterwards.

     He looked at the stone in confusion for a moment, and then back at the water.

     He looked at the stone in confusion for a moment, and then back at the water

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(Drawing by littlekitty1346)

     "Um..." he said softly, not understanding what was happening.

     The water motioned for him to throw the stone, and he raised an eyebrow.

     "Uh... ok?" he said softly, tossing the stone back into the pond.

     As it splashed into the pond once more, the water quickly scooped it up, handing it back to Branch, so he could throw it again.

     Branch chuckled, smiling slightly, as he looked at the small stone sitting in the palm of his hand.

     "You wanna play now... do ya?" he said softly, the water making a motion with it's snake-like head, as if nodding 'yes'. "Ok than... fetch!"

     He tossed the stone, laughing as the water scooped it up again, bringing it back to the little grey troll.

It handed him the stone, but as Branch was about to throw it again, a small noise caught his attention.

His ear twitched slightly, as he turned, seeing the group of trolls by the fire, laughing at the pictures in the flames. They were all so happy... so why couldn't Branch be like that? Why couldn't he just be like everyone else...

He sighed, looking back at the stone in his hand, tears coming to his blue eyes.

"You ok, Branch?" Poppy asked, suddenly standing right behind him.

Branch flinched at the sudden voice, quickly wiping his tears away, so the princess wouldn't see him crying.

"Yeah..." he finally replied, not even looking back at her. "I'm fine."

"Why aren't you over at the fire with everyone else?" Poppy asked softly, sitting down next to him. "I just... prefer to be alone," he answered with a sigh. 'More like everyone else prefers me to be alone...' he thought to himself afterwards.

He threw the stone into the water again, and the water picked it up instantly, handing it back to the grey troll.

It formed into the shape of a dog, dancing on top of the pond, it's tongue hanging out, and tail wagging, waiting for Branch to throw the stone again.

Poppy chuckled at the sight, loving how the water was behaving around Branch. She'd only been in the Enchanted Forest for a little while... but still... she hadn't seen the water act this way with anyone else. Especially not a Troll Village troll.

"The water really likes you," she observed with a slight laugh.
"Yeah... not sure why. No one else does," Branch replied with a sigh, throwing the stone again.

Poppy's smile faded, as she looked at Branch sadly.

"Don't say that..." she said sternly. "Of course people like you."
"Oh yeah... name one," Branch replied, with a slight eye roll.

The water handed the stone back to Branch, and he threw it again, his ears drooping in sadness.

"Me," Poppy said, suddenly.
"What?" Branch said, looking over at her in confusion, raising an eyebrow.

"You said to name one person who likes you," she said firmly. "Well... I like you."

This statement shocked Branch, as he looked at her in disbelief. She... she liked him?

He smiled slightly at her, but that smile quickly faded, as he looked away with a sigh.

"You're probably just saying that to make me feel better," he sighed, throwing the stone again, the water instantly retrieving it, and handing it back.

"Nugh-ugh," Poppy said, shaking her head, as she smiled, nudging him gently with her elbow. "I mean it, Branch. You're one of my best friends. I mean... you risked your life today... for me."

"Psh..." Branch chuckled, rolling his eyes. "I didn't risk my life."
"Yes you did," Poppy insisted. "You had no idea what that troll was gonna do, but you let him take you anyways. Just so he wouldn't take me."

Branch smiled at her again, feeling much better. He felt... like he wasn't alone anymore...

"Thanks, Poppy," he said softly, gazing into her beautiful pink eyes.

She really was making him feel happier. Happier than he'd been in a long time.

The water looked at the two of them, seeming to smirk with a malicious idea.

Stealthily, the water slithered over to the two trolls in its snake-like form, nudging Branch closer to Poppy.

"Hey! Cut that out," Branch laughed, throwing the stone again.

The water retrieved it, but instead of handing it to Branch, it put it on the ground between him and Poppy.

He and Poppy reached for the stone at the same time, their hands accidentally touching.

As their hands touched, they looked at each other, their eyes wide in shock.

After a moment, Branch blushed, quickly pulling his hand away, as he turned his head, embarrassed.

"S... sorry..." he apologized softly, trying to avoid eye contact.

Poppy smiled, and then took his hand back, holding it gently in hers.

Shocked, Branch looked at their hands together, and then up at Poppy.

She smiled at him, and he smiled back at her, both of them turning their heads to gaze up at the stars.


Creek was sitting over at the fire, when he noticed Poppy was no longer next to him.

"Poppy?" he said, looking around. "Where'd you..."

His sentence was cut off, as he spotted Poppy sitting alone with Branch.

"Branch..." he grumbled angrily, glaring at the little grey troll, jealousy flowing through his veins. "Think you can take my girl, do you... I don't think so..."

Trolls and the Enchanted Forest (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now