Chapter 54

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     Chief Tula ran to the dam, instantly spotting Aqua on the ground, where the river used to be.

Aqua was no longer in the shape of a dog. Instead, it had no shape at all. It was just a small puddle on the ground.

"Oh no..." Tula whispered, her eyes wide, as she looked at Aqua in disbelief. "No..."

Quickly, she ran over to Aqua, dropping down beside it.

     "Aqua? Can you hear me?" she asked softly, gently placing her hand into the Puddle that used to be Aqua. "Don't worry... I'm gonna help you. You'll be ok..."

     Slowly, she rose to her feet, looking up at the sky.

     "Please work..." she whispered, pointing her arms up towards the clouds, as she began to dance.

In her tribe, there was a special dance that would sometimes summon rain. It didn't always work, but this was the only way left to save Aqua, so it's what she did. She had to at least try...

The clouds became grey, as they rolled through the sky, covering up the sun, as darkness flowed through the forest.

With the sun covered up by the clouds, it was no longer beaming down on Aqua, allowing the water spirit to slowly transform back into a dog, sitting up, as it panted, still in so much pain. Even with the sun covered up, without water... Aqua wouldn't last much longer...

Slowly, more dark clouds rolled in, as Tula continued to dance, begging it to rain.

'BOOM!' thunder roared loudly up in the sky.

     Tula sighed with relief, as a single raindrop suddenly fell from one of the clouds, landing on the tip of Aqua's nose.

Aqua smiled, looking up at the sky, as more raindrops began to fall, the river slowly beginning to refill with water.

Tula smiled, as Aqua swam around in the water, squealing with joy. Even though there wasn't a lot... there was enough to take away the water spirit's pain. At least... for a little while...


Poppy and Barb both stood over Branch, trying to keep him awake, but he kept slipping in and out of consciousness, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"Come on, Branch. Stay with us," Poppy pleaded, placing her hand gently on his cheek.

He blinked, but didn't respond. He didn't even look at her. He was just too weak. Too weak to do anything other than stare off into space, barely aware of anything around him.

His breathing slowed down, becoming lighter and lighter, until he was barely breathing at all, his colors slowly beginning to fade away, just like they had back in the hospital, his eyes slowly blinking shut for a final time...

Poppy looked down at him, tears falling from her eyes, knowing what was about to happen. They were too late...

     "Branch..." she whispered, squeezing his hand tightly. "I love you... just know... I will always love you..."

     Slowly, he began to shake, Poppy looking away, unable to watch what she knew was about to happen, as she cried hysterically, unable to stop.

     "I'm sorry, Poppy..." Barb whispered, as she hugged her comfortingly. "I'm gonna miss him too..."

'BOOM!" thunder suddenly roared up in the sky, causing the two trolls to flinch slightly, as they both looked up, seeing the dark clouds rolling in above them.

     "She did it..." Poppy whispered, smiling slightly, as she looked back down at Branch who now lay motionless on the ground, not breathing.

Slowly, rain began to fall from the sky, landing gently on the three trolls below.

     Soon, the gentle drizzle turned into a down pour, soaking them almost instantly.

     "Come on, Branch..." Poppy muttered, gently rubbing Branch's cheek. "Wake up..."

Suddenly, Branch gasped for air, springing up, as his colors flooded back into him.

Poppy looked at him in shock, tears still falling from her eyes, as he coughed, slowly regaining his strength.

"Branch!" she yelled with joy, quickly jumping into him to hug him tight. "You're alive! You're alive..."

     He looked at her, confused for a moment, but then finally smiled, hugging her back, until he suddenly remembered what had happened...

     His eyes widened in horror, as he pulled away from the hug, looking off into the forest, a worried look on his face.

     "Aqua!" he yelled out, quickly jumping to his feet, as he ran towards the dam, rain pouring down around him.

Trolls and the Enchanted Forest (rewrite)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum