Chapter 37

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"Do you even know where we're going?" Barb whined, as she trudged slowly behind Poppy and Branch.

"Of course he does," Poppy said, smiling. "Right, Branch?"
"Weeeeelllll..." he replied, smiling innocently, as he looked back at the two queens, slightly embarrassed.

Poppy's smile faded, as she stopped walking, looking at Branch in confusion.

"You don't know where we're going!?" she yelled out in disbelief. "I thought that voice was guiding you!"
"Yeah... well... I kinda..." He paused, looking away from her, as he whispered his next sentence quietly and quickly, hoping the two trolls wouldn't understand him. "Haven't heard it since before you two showed up."

"What!?" both girls screamed out loudly. Branch flinched at their shouts, his ears drooping a bit in fear, as he looked back at them sadly.

"So... you've just had us wondering around aimlessly for the past three hours!?" Barb yelled out in pure rage.

Branch gulped, backing away a little, scared of what Barb was going to do to him.

"Y... yes?" he said quietly, slowly nodding his head.
"Why you little..." Barb muttered softly. "Get over here so I can kill you!"

She pounced at Branch, but Poppy quickly grabbed her, holding her back.

"BAAARB! Calm down!" Poppy yelled, trying to keep her away from Branch.
"I'm gonna kill him!" Barb shouted, struggling against Poppy.
"No one's killing anyone!" Poppy yelled in return.
"He got us lost, Popsqueek!" Barb screamed, still trying to escape the queen of pop's grasp. "He deserves to die!"

Branch blinked, his eyes suddenly turning grey, as he slowly approached Barb angrily.

"Me? What do you mean, I got you lost!?" he yelled angrily in the queen of rock's face. "Uh... Branch..." Poppy said softly, noticing his eyes.
"I told you two not to come! You're not even supposed to be here!" Branch continued, not even hearing Poppy. He was too angry at Barb telling him this mess was his fault.

"I should've let you fall off that cliff, when I had the chance!" Barb yelled, still trying to pull away from Poppy. "You'd be dead right now if it wasn't for me."

"Pft..." Branch scoffed, rolling his eyes, as he crossed his arms. "I wouldn't of even fallen off that cliff if you hadn't been chasing me!"
"B... Branch..." Poppy said again, concerned about him, but he still payed no attention to her.

     "Well... I wouldn't of been chasing you, if you hadn't punched me!" Barb yelled.
"I wouldn't of punched you, if you hadn't attacked me first!" Branch yelled back.
"Well I wouldn't of attacked you if you hadn't..." She paused, trying to think of a response.

Branch smirked, knowing he had just won.

"Well... it doesn't matter! It's still you're fault!" Barb screamed.
"Oh yeah?" Branch said, getting closer.
"Yeah!" Barb replied.
"Oh yeah?"

They were both in each other's faces, breathing heavily in anger, as Poppy looked back and forth between the two of them in concern.

     Finally, she smiled, getting an idea.

"Bow chicka bow wa wa... wicky wicky..." Poppy suddenly started beatboxing, as she danced up next to the two of them.

Barb and Branch turned their heads to look at her, confused by what she was doing.

"Uh... Poppy?" Branch said, confused.
"What are you doing?" Barb finished, even more confused.

"Just... easing the tension," Poppy replied, continuing to dance, as she made weird noises. "Woohoo! Ha! Ha! Ha!" she laughed, finishing off with jazz hands.

Both Branch and Barb stared at her, not saying a word, as she looked between the two of them, smiling awkwardly.

"Did... did it work?" she asked hopefully.
"Nope..." Branch said, crossing his arms, as he shook his head.
"Not at all," Barb added.

Then they turned back to each other, growling in anger, as they both pounced.

"No! Guys! Stop! Stop fighting!" Poppy pleaded, as the two trolls beat each other up.

"Your fault!" Barb screamed, punching at Branch's face.
"Your fault!" Branch yelled back, pulling at Barb's hair.
"Your fault!"
"Your fault!"


Branch froze at the sound, his eyes suddenly going back to normal, as he looked off in the direction it had come from.

Barb punched him in the face hard, as he stopped paying attention to her.

"Ow!" he screamed out in pain, rubbing his cheek. "Knock it off, Barb! Get off of me!"

He pushed her off of him, and stood looking around, as he listened for the sound.

"Oh no..." she said softly, shaking her head, as she glared up at him, cracking he knuckles. "I am not finished with you yet."

She jumped to her feet, charging at Branch, who was still looking around, not even noticing her.

Quickly, Poppy grabbed onto her again, holding her back.

"No, Barb! Wait! Look..." Poppy said, pointing at Branch.

He took a few steps forwards, his ear twitching, as he listened for the noise.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa!" he suddenly heard again.

He turned towards it, beginning to run in the direction it was coming from.

"This way! Hurry!" Branch yelled back to them, as he ran.
"You still aren't the boss of me," Barb grumbled, crossing her arms, as she looked away. "Come on, Barb!" Poppy said joyfully, as she ran off after Branch.

Barb watched them disappear into the forest and then sighed, rolling her eyes.

"I'm coming cuz I want to come!" she yelled after them. "Not because you told me to!"

Quickly, she ran off after them, unaware that they were all being watched...

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