Chapter 56

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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I will be trying to stream every weekend if y'all are interested. I will be talking about book updates and other things. Also, I have started an SMP on Minecraft. I have a link in my BIO that will tell you what it's about and get an idea of your character if you'd like to join. This SMP will be streamed!

One more thing. You guys are awesome. You should feel awesome! Also, according to Wattpad statistics, only a small percentage of y'all who read my books are actually following. So if you end up liking this book, consider following. It's free, and you can always unfollow later. Enjoy the book!

3rd P.O.V:

There's a  rustle in the trees. Three vampire nomads emerge. One was pale with blond hair pulled into a ponytail. The next was a woman who moved as if she was a feline. Her steps were graceful and dangerous. The last was a darkish-skinned male with dreads.

As they near, all of them can see the bare feet, then the deep burgundy of eyes. One with dreadlocks holds up the baseball. "I believe this belongs to you." He said as tossed it to Dr. Cullen.

"Thank you. I'm Carlisle and this is my family," Carlisle said as he quickly glanced at his coven. "I'm Laurent. This is Victoria and James. Could you use  more players?" The dark-skinned male said. Dr. Cullen looked unsure. "Come on. Just one game." Laurent said.

"Sure. Why not." Carlisle said as he tossed the ball back towards the Nomads. Victoria caught it with a smirk. "I'm the one with a wicked curveball." She said. "I think we can handle that," Jasper said as he put his bat on his shoulder.

Wanda sees that Edward's eyes are on James. "I'm afraid your hunting habits have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle said. "Our apologies. We didn't realize this land had been claimed," Laurent said.

"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence nearby," Carlisle said. The nomads had a look of surprise. "Really? Well, we won't be much of a problem anymore." Laurent said as the wind blew in the clearing.

James's head snapped up and his eyes landed on Wanda and Pietro. "You brought snacks." He said with a sadistic grin. Pietro put an arm around his sister and shifted his weight slightly. The Cullens flashed in front of the twins with snarls on their faces. 

"They're with us," Carlisle said. James feigned left but Edward caught it and moved right. As Edward was about to catch him, a huge wolf walked into the clearing. The wolf's mouth was dripping with blood and saliva.

 Its eyes were glowing gold and its hackles were raised. Wanda and Pietro both relaxed in its presents. The wolf moved at a speed only Pietro could track. It moved so it was right behind the Twins. Standing there like a guardian.

 That's when four others walked into the clearing. All of them were wearing dark clothing. One was wearing an expensive Italian suit which made him stand out. That's when the sound of bones breaking caught everyone's attention. 

I am sorry for not updating this book as much as I'd like. My college has been kicking my butt, but in two weeks I'll be able to stop for a month. I'll try my hardest to update in that time. What would you like to happen? Should I do the whole Pheonix scene or should I have some badass Volturi guard scene? Y'all decide. 

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