Chapter 13

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Wanda's P.O.V:

Rosalie led me out of the bathroom and back to my class. "Thank you for helping me." I said to Rosalie. "It's not a problem. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Rosalie asked as she looked at me. "I'll be fine." I said as I paused at the water fountain.

"Here ve are. Thank you again." I said as I moved to open the door. "Bye, Wanda. See you tomorrow." Rosalie said as she walked towards her class. "Bye." I called to her retreating form. I turned back to the door and opened it.

"There you are, Wanda! Why did you run off?" Mr. Johnson asked. "I vasn't feeling good." I said as I headed to towards my seat. Mr. Johnson nodded and then went back to picking partners. As I reached my seat, Edward turned towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I'll be fine." I said as I turned towards the front. Pietro slid his hand into mine and squeezed it slightly. I looked towards the front and listened to the other students preform. "Are you alright?" Edward whispered to me.

I nodded and smiled slightly at him. "I'm fine." I said. We sat in silence for a while and just listened to the other kids preform. Most of the kids did songs that Pietro and I weren't familiar with, others did songs from movies.

All to soon, the bell rang and we got to leave. Pietro and I split up from the Cullens and walked to the parking lot. As soon as we were outside, we headed to Isabella's truck. Isabella walked out of the school and towards us with headphones in and a sneer on her face.

She stopped by the passenger side and put her bag on the back of the truck. "Tomorrow, you two are going to either walk or take your bike. Got it?" Isabella asked. "Not a problem." Pietro sneered at the brown haired girl.

"Hold on, I need something out of my locker. I'll be back in a minute." Pietro said as he took of towards the school at a human pace. I rolled my eyes at this and smiled slightly. I then glanced at my foster sister and saw that she was staring at Edward.

Suddenly, the sound of tires screeching could be heard and the two of us whipped around to see a dark blue van coming at us head on. Edward was standing for cars down from us with a look of horror on his face.

I didn't think about it honestly, I just shoved Isabella to the ground. Away from the impact zone, which I was still in. Just before the van hit the truck, with me in between both, with a ear shattering bang, I felt something hit me, hard, but not from the direction I expected.

My head connected with the blacktop and I felt something cold and solid pin me to the ground. I was laying on the pavement between the tan car that Isabella had parked next to. I didn't have a chance to notice anything else, because the van was still coming at me and Isabella.

The van had curled around the truck and was still spinning and sliding. It was about to collide with me again! A low oath made me realize that someone else was with us. The voice was impossible not to recognize.

I was pulled into someones chest and one arm wrapped around me while the other stopped the van, a few feet from my body. In the body of the van, there was a hand print dent. The was a screech of metal and the van was shoved away from me. 

It was absolutely silent for a few, long, seconds before the screaming started. I only has a second to catch the worried face of Edward Cullen and hearing him call my name before my world descended into darkness.

Hey guys!!! I'm at the lake house and I'm having an amazing time!!! Hope you like this chapter!!!

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