Chapter 37

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3rd P.O.V:

Nathan walked away from the throne room and headed to find the others so they could head off and deal with the scum. His body shaking in anger from the thought of the Twins getting hurt. He felt self loathing because he wasn't there to protect her.

"Katherine! Aiden! Jackson! Logan! Get over here! Aro has a mission for us!" Nathan yelled as he headed towards his chambers. The other vampires flashed into the room with concerned looks on their faces.

"What is it, brother?" Logan asked as he watched his younger brother flash around the room like a tornado. "The Twins were attacked and Aro wants us to deal with the attackers and be guards for the twins.

We aren't aloud to show ourselves to the twins. Aro wants them to be unaware of our presence." Nathan said as he made sure he had packed everything. "We leave in 30." Nathan said as he grabbed his phone and called the air strip.

Logan teleported to his room and started packing. He was furious that someone had threatened the twins. A snarl ripped from his throat and kicked the bed. He took a few deep breaths and packed his bags.

Aiden grabbed Katherine and teleported to their room. "Let's start packing." Aiden said as he flashed around the room. Aiden was beyond angry. Someone had hurt Pietro. His protected! No one hurt his protected and lived. No one.

Katherine nodded and flashed around the room packing clothes and started getting ready. Her mind was racing because of what had happened. Her best friend and soul sister was attacked and she hadn't been there to stop it.

Jackson flashed to his room and started packing. His mind was racing and he couldn't focus. His protected had gotten hurt. Wanda was his life. He lived to serve Wanda and when she got hurt, he felt like a failure.

Thirty minutes later, the guard left the castle and headed to the airport. Nathan had made arrangements to use the private jet. Katherine and Aiden stayed close to each other while the others spread out.

After three hours of sitting in silence, Jackson asked, "So, what's our plan of attack?" Logan looked at his younger brother. "We need to be smart about this. Guarding the twins will be difficult.

The Cullens may pose a threat to them. Or expose us. We are not to expose ourselves." Logan said as he looked at the others. "What if something happens and we are forced to?" Katherine asked.

"Then we deal with it at that time." Logan said. Aiden looked at the others and sighed. He then closed his eyes and relaxed his body, making it freeze. He needed to relax and distress.

Hey everyone. This is a bit of a filler chapter. Sorry for not updating sooner. School and home is a killer. I am finally into the flow of things. New from Texas!

I don't have school for the rest of the school year. Big sad. I know. Other people would be happy about it but me? I am stir crazy. At least I can update.

What to you guys think should happen? Should the guard expose themselves? Should Wanda and Pietro pretend they don't know about vampires?

What about Bella? Should she figure it out? Was she behind the attack on the twins? Also, comment and let me know about how you guys are doing during this trying time.

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