Chapter 41

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3rd P.O.V:

The Cullens and the Maximoffs made their way back to the school as the lunch bell wrang. As they walked into the lunchroom, all eyes turned to them. Pietro pulled his sister closer to him and glared at everyone that was looking at them.

"This way," Alice said as she led the twins to an empty table. Jasper and Edward went to the food line and grabbed food for the Twins. As the walked back to the table, the door to the cafeteria opened and in walked Bella.

Bella had a sneer on her face as she walked into the school. "Where are they?!" Bella yelled as she walked towards her foster siblings. When Bella woke up this morning, she was excited to confront Edward about what she had learned.

When she walked downstairs, dressed for the day, she couldn't find her keys. That's when some got angry. "WHERE THE HELL ARE MY KEYS!?" Bella screamed. She ran around the house trying to find them.

When she couldn't, she called her father. "Chief Swan?" Charlie said as he picked up the phone. "Hey, dad. It's Bella. I can't find my keys." Bella said. "I'll come and get you during my lunch break and take you to school," Charlie said.

Hours passed and Charlie pulled up in his Cruzer. Bella walked out with her bag and got into the car. They drove to the school in silence. "I'll pick you up after school," Charlie said once he pulled up to the school.

Bella nodded and walked to the office. Once she walked in she talked to the office lady and made sure she'd get counted for the rest of the day. After that, she walked to the Cafeteria for lunch.

Bella's eyes landed on the Twins and the Cullens once she walked into the room. She sneered once she saw them. Hatred flooded into her body, and she swore that she'd get them out of the way for good.

"Ve don't know vhat you're talking about," Wanda said as she looked at her foster sister. "My keys. Where the hell are they?" Bella asked as she stalked towards the twins, a glare plastered on her face.

Pietro was starting to wonder if that was her permanent look. "As my twin said, ve don't know vhat you're talking about," Pietro said. "Liar!" Bella yelled as she pushed Pietro. Pietro stumbled back slightly but quickly regained his balance.

A loud smack was heard throughout the cafeteria. "Never, and I mean never, put your hands on my brother again. Am I clear?" Wanda asked after she slapped Bella. Bella nodded her head as she held her face.

"Say it out loud," Wanda said as she took a step closer to Bella. "Clear," Bella whispered as she shrank from the glare Wanda was giving. "Good. Now, leave us alone." Wanda said as she turned to her brother, concern in her eyes.

The rest of the day passed quickly and the twins walk to their motorcycle. Pietro gets on first and Wanda after that. Pietro speeds off towards the house and arrives in record time. Once they get their, Pietro parks and then darts into the house to hide Bella's keys.

Wanda shook her head and grabbed their school bags and took them upstairs. She then walked downstairs and over to her brother. "Pietro?" Wanda asked. "Yes?" Pietro said. "Did ve do the right thing?" Wanda asked her brother.

Pietro turned to his sister and sighed. "Time vill tell," Pietro said. That's when Edward's Volvo pulled up to the house. Edward, Alice, and Jasper got out and headed to the door. Before Edward could knock, Pietro opened the door.

"We were wondering if you two would like to come with us on an adventure tomorrow?" Edward asked. Pietro turned and looked at his sister and she nodded at him. "Sure," Pietro said. The three vampires nodded and smiled at this answer.

They then flashed to the car and Edward drove off. Pietro turned and walked to the kitchen and repaired dinner. The twins ate in silence and then went upstairs to work on their homework. Charlie and Bella showed up not long after that.

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