Chapter 39

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Wanda's P.O.V:

Edward drove us to the house in silence. I was sitting next to my brother with my hand in his. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, we were at the house. Our bags were already on the porch.

"Ve're here," Pietro said. I nodded and started to get up.  As we started towards the house, Edward called out to us. "Don't go out into the woods alone." Both of us nodded and walked into the house.

As we got in,  we saw Charlie sitting on the couch watching T.V. "Wanda? Pietro?" Charlie asked. "Yeah, Charlie. It's us." Pietro said as he brought our bags in. "Did you have fun?" Charlie asked. "Yes, sir. Lots of fun." I said.

We walked up to our room and I walked to the bed. I fell on the bed and closed my eyes. I felt Pietro lay next to me and pull me into his arms. "Ve need to talk about the Cullens," Pietro said as he pulled the blankets up around us.

"Ve should let them know ve know," I said. "Are you sure?" Pietro asked. I nodded as I lay my head onto his chest. "Sing mother's song," I said as I looked up at him. Pietro nodded and he started to sing.

Где северный ветер встречается с морем
Есть река, полная памяти
Спи, моя дорогая, в целости и сохранности
Ибо в этой реке все найдено
В ее водах, глубокие и истинные
Ложь ответы и путь для вас
Погружение глубоко в ее звук
Но не слишком далеко, иначе ты утонешь
Да, она будет петь тем, кто услышит
И в ее песне, все волшебство течет
Но можете ли вы выдержать то, что вы больше всего боитесь?
Можете ли вы столкнуться с тем, что река знает?
Где северный ветер встречается с морем
Мать полна памяти
Приходите, моя дорогая, домой связаны
Когда все потеряно, тогда все будет найдено

3rd P.O.V.:

Wanda fell asleep on Pietro and he smiled. He pulled her closed and started to comb his fingers through her hair. He looked up and saw a figure watching them from the window. He narrowed his eyes and reached for the light.

Once he did, there was no one there. Pietro let out a sigh and turned the lights back off. He pulled his sister closer to him and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he relaxed.

Edward sighed in relief as he flashed away from the window when Pietro spotted him. He looked at Alice and Jasper and saw they were smiling. "That was a beautiful song," Alice said with a smile as she looked at Jasper.

"Do you think they know?" Edward asked as he pulled himself into the Twin's room. "I'm not sure. I can't see anything." Alice said as she moved towards Pietro. Jasper followed her and stood by her side. 

Alice went silent and Edward's eyes snapped to her. "No!" He snarled. "What is it?" Jasper asked as he moved to his mate's side. "Bella knows." Alice snarled as she came out of her vision. "Then we avoid her," Jasper said. 

"It won't be that simple. I'll go home and tell the others then meet you for school. Jasper. You need to stay here. They'll need you." Alice said as she darted out of the room. Edward raised his eyebrow at his sister then looked back at his mate.

All of a sudden,  Wanda arched her back and let out an ear-splitting scream. Instantly, Jasper and Edward flashed out of the room and hid on the roof. Both of them were on edge after the scream from Wanda. 

Charlie jerked awake from a high pitch scream. He was out of bed and was running towards the Twin's room as fast as he could. He passed Bella's room and barely took notice that there was a light shining under her door.

He opened the door and saw that Pietro was holding her in his arms and shushing her. Charlie took stock of the situation and the looked at Pietro. Pietro shook his head at him and then looked at his twin. 

"Vanda, Тебя там больше нет. Ты в безопасности. Я здесь. Я никуда не уйду." Pietro said as he hugged his twin. (You aren't there anymore. you're safe. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere.) Wanda jerked away from her brother and her eyes snapped open.

That's when she started to cry. "Go back to sleep, Charlie. I got this." Pietro said as he glanced at Charlie. Charlie reluctantly nodded and slowly walked out of the room. On his way back to his room, he noticed that Bella's light is still on. 

"Bella. You need to go to bed." Charlie said as he opened the door and poked his head in. Bella looked up from her computer and nodded at Charlie. "Okay. Sorry. I was just studying for a test." Bella said with a fake smile.  

When Charlie closed the door, her smile dropped. She couldn't believe it. Edward was a vampire. Everything made sense now. She started to smile at this revelation. 'If I can get Edward to change me, then we can be together forever.' Bella thought as she turned off her light and started to think about her being immortal.

I just want to point out that I don't own any of the music that I use unless I state otherwise. I know that All is found is from frozen II but I thought it would be a nice song to use. Also, I used google translate for the song. He sings it in his native language. Also, am I being to descriptive? Am I not?

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