Chapter 24

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3rd P.O.V.

In a city called Volterra, Italy, three kings were very worried about the two children they have come to view as their own. Wanda and Pietro Maximoff/Volturi. After hearing about Wanda's accident, Aro, Caius, and Marcus have been worried.

"We must have them come down for a week," Aro said out of the blue. "Do you think that's wise, brother?" Marcus asked as he looked through a book. Of course, he knew what Aro was talking about. He had been on the subject for a week straight.

"It would be nice to have them here for a little bit," Caius said as he looked up from his painting. "That settles it! I shall arrange for them to come for a week." Aro said as he walked towards the door. "Demetri!" Aro called as he walked out of the room.

"Yes, Master?" Demetri said as he appeared in front of him with his head bowed. "I want you, Jane, Felix and Alec go fetch the plane and head to Seattle. You are going to pick up the prince and princess." Aro said as he pulled out his phone.

"Yes, master. We will be off at once." Demetri said as he took off to find the rest of the elite guard. Aro dialed his adoptive son's number and waited. "Здравствуйте?" A tired voice answered. (Hello?) "Pietro? It's me. How would you and Wanda like to come to Italy for a week?" Aro asked.

"I think that vould be a good idea. Ve need some space from the Swans." Pietro said. Aro heard a groan and then Wanda's voice. "Pietro? Vhy are you up?" Aro heard a sleepy voice ask. "Crazy Papa vants us to come down for a veek." Pietro said.

"Okay. I'm up for that." Wanda said as she sighed. Aro shook his head slightly at the nickname Pietro gave him. "I will have the elite guard pick you up. Can't wait to see you two." Aro said as he hung up his phone. Now all Aro needed to do was call Charlie.

Sorry for the short chapter. It's a filler and I think you will enjoy the next one.

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