Chapter 10

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Pietro's P.O.V:

I pulled Wanda to my side as we walked towards the Cullens table. I could hear the other kids whispering about us as we walked over to the table. Edward and Jasper pulled up a chair for Wanda and I.

I smiled lightly and waited for Wanda to sit down. Wanda chose to sit down next to Edward and I sat next to her, close to Jasper. I felt Wanda slip her hand into mine and I glanced at her. She was looking at Bella's table.

Bella was glaring at us and then leaned over to her friend that was sitting next to her. It was the girl that Wanda answered for, Jessica Stanley. "I can't believe my slut of a sister is sitting with the Cullens!" Bella said to her.

I tightened my grip on Wanda, because we both could hear her. The Doctor had enhanced our hearing and sight before enhanced us. "Ванда, успокойся. Мы вернем ее позже." I said as she glared at Bella. (Wanda, calm down. We'll get her back later.)

Wanda didn't say anything. She just nodded and tightened her grip on me. "So, tell us a little about yourself." Emmett asked as he played with his food. "Vhat vould you like to learn?" I asked with a glance at Wanda.

"What's your favorite color?" Alice asked. "Mine's Blue. Vanda's is red." I answered for both of us. "Aren't you cold?" Rosalie asked Wanda. "No. Ve used to live in Slovakia. It vas almost alvays cold there." Wanda said as she looked down at the table.

"Vanda? Are you okay?" I asked lowly. "I'll be fine." Wanda answered back. Wanda took a sharp intake of breath and grabbed her head. Instantly, I was up from my chair and pulled her into mt arms. "Shh... Это нормально. Я прямо здесь." I whispered into her ear. (It's okay. I'm right here.)

"Pietro. It hurts." Wanda whimpered. "I know. I vish I could make it better." I said as I gent'y picked her up from her chair and sat down instead with her on my lap. "Is she okay?" Emmett asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Flashbacks. She gets them a lot. Ve don't like to talk about it though, it's still so fresh." I said as Wanda curled into my chest. "You both are so close. If I didn't know you were twins, I would think you were dating." Emmett said.

"Ve are all each-other have. Ve lost our older brother and sister a vhile ago." I said. Wanda whimpered in my arms and I pulled her tighter to my chest. "I am sorry. I need to get her avay from loud noises." I said as I pulled her up and walked towards the exit.

Edward's P.O.V:

I was worried about my mate. She was in pain and every instinct was telling me to go to her. hated that I couldn't see what was going on in her head. It wasn't like Isabella's silence. Isabella's was an empty void.

There was literally nothing in Isabella's mind. Wanda's was like a red fog choked me every time I tried to get into her mind. Pietro's thoughts were fast, but when his twin grabbed her head, the speed at which he was thinking was sickening.

"Just go to your next class and deal with your blood-singer. We'll check on the Twins." Rosalie said. I sighed in defeat and grabbed my bag just as the bell rang. I knew that I needed to make nice with her and try to see what she knows about Wanda.

I walked to Biology and sat down in my usual seat and waited for the bell. Bella walked into the room and sat down next to me. "Hello, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to Introduce myself last week. I'm Edward Cullen. Your Bella." I said.

Bella's P.O.V:

As soon as the Bell rang for lunch to be over, I stopped staring at the Cullens and headed to Biology. As I walked in, I saw Edward sitting in his seat. I sat down and glanced slightly at him. "Hello, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to Introduce myself last week. I'm Edward Cullen. Your Bella." Edward said.

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