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The Dare

Silently, I tiptoe towards the club's doors while hiding behind my cape, my face unseen.

The area was shrouded in darkness, only the midnight moon set the surroundings ablaze.

In front of the door, I see Jayce, also known as Claws, he is a Jack of Clubs, a high-ranking member of 'The Cards.'

The Cards is one of the most feared and well-known gangs in Kataipolis.

In the cards, the lowest members are Two's of Clubs, Diamonds, Spades, and Hearts, while the highest is the Joker,who is also the owner of the gang. And whenever a member dies, he gets replaced with a new Card, chosen by the high ranking members.

I'm the Ace of Spades, and my codename is Red. Only some members know who I am, while others think I'm just a waitress at the bar in the illegal fight club, which is also where I live and what I call my home.

Walking towards Ezekiel's (aka Blade) table, I find him flirting with some blonde. 

"Sup sweet cheeks," I said, teasing him, knowing he hates the nickname. I call him that because he can't grow any facial hair.

He looks up and tells the blonde girl to leave, and I sit on the seat she previously sat on.

"Who was the blonde?" I ask him.

"The new Four of hearts, she got her tattoo today and was asking me for advice," he replied, dismissing the topic with ease.

Some time passed as we chatted while drinking a beer or two or eight, and then suddenly we both became drunk.

"Hey, let's play truth or dare," Blade suggested with an excited expression plastered on his face.

"Ok then, truth or dare?" I asked him, going first.

"Dare, duh," he answered, slurring.

"Go up to 'HULK' and ask him to fight you," I told him with a mischievous smile.

HULK was the alias name for the Ten of Clubs, who has remained unbeatable for as long as he has lived. No one ever wins a fight against him. Anyone who fought with him always left with a couple of broken bones.

Gulping, Blade walked up to the HULK, practically shaking. His whole confident demeanor changed as fear etched on his face.

"W- would you l- like to fight?" He sheepishly mumbled.

I've never seen him so scared in my life. Blade is a Queen of Hearts, which fits his personality very well as he is cocky, arrogant, looks good, and knows it but can be a HUGE drama queen when something does not happen to his liking.

The HULK took him by his collar and pushed his whole body against the wall, and silently whispered something in Blade's ear that I couldn't hear. I was anticipating the fight but was disappointed when HULK suddenly let him down.

Quickly, they both made their way back to the table I was sitting on.

"Waitress, get me a beer!" HULK  demanded as he looked at me.

"No can do, It's not my shift," I told him and then whispered in his ear as quietly as I could so only he could hear it, "Jeremy."

I knew his real name because, in one of my missions, I went to the Duke of Lergi and found out that Jeremy was his bastard son.

I didn't kill the duke as he was already dead when I found him. He was supposed to be my first kill, but I lied and told The Joker I did and that 'kill' made me known.

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