Prologue - Chapter 1

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Nine years earlier

I had to get her back!

Ignoring the roaring pain that my last attempt caused, I tried again, but like every other time, I got the same result.


I couldn't lose her now or ever, she was all I had.

Without giving up hope, I tried going inside from the backdoor, however, the guards were there again.

They asked me if I was lost but I didn't answer, I never did because this was all their fault.

A tall man with a sour look on his face suddenly took me by the arm. He was clad in the same armour I've seen too many times to count. It was silver with some green thrown here and there. He looked displeased and angry at the very least because I had failed to respond. He tried to get me out of there by dragging me by the arm, but I resisted as I couldn't leave without her.

Some guards standing in front of me started getting agitated and called another guard, the same guard who tried to make me leave by force an hour ago.

With a scowl on his face and an irritated huff, he picked me up and carried me on his shoulder. I kicked and thrashed with all my might so he let me go. But it was useless as he was trained to fight wars, and kicks from a child were nothing at all to him.

"Madame Suzanna will take care of her; an orphanage would be the perfect place for her," the man declared, as if deciding my fate was his decision.

I won't ever end up in an orphanage because I was not an orphan.

After letting him drag me out of the building, I bit his hand which caught him off guard and he dropped me, giving me the chance to dash out of the perimeter and not look back.

While running away, I thought about what she would want and came to the conclusion that she'd want me to protect myself, therefore I left her behind, just like she would want.

I ran faster than lightning in no particular direction before finding a deserted park. It seemed more like a cemetery with a gloomy atmosphere than a cheerful place where only fun would be found.

The black metal gate towered above me, a sign was placed upon it, which I could not read. I decided to go inside and found large rocks with words engraved on them sitting on the grass. The place was completely empty, making me feel safe in a weird and twisted way.

After a while, I realized I was not alone. A group of people, dressed in black from head to toe, sat near a stone. They were quite close to me. I had this sudden urge to join them, and it took all the courage inside of me to walk up to them.

There were eight of them and a boy that seemed slightly younger than me; they were digging a hole in the ground with great concentration, not even noticing me assessing them.

Accidentally, I stepped on twigs making sound and hence alerting them of my presence.

They all turn instantly and look at me.

"How long have you been there, little girl?" A man who looked the most threatening asked.

I told him that I had been here for a while, and suddenly he smiled at me strangely, asking if I knew what they were doing.

I shook my head in response.

"We are burying a dear friend of mine, Ace," he smiled creepily and I felt the need to run away, but my feet were glued to the ground.

"I need a replacement, someone quick, smart, and invisible, and you fit this description; on top of it all, you are young, meaning I can easily shape your mind," the man said.

It was official that this man was totally crazy and should be in a mental asylum; I just met him, and he was talking like he wanted to hire me for a job.

He came closer to me in short and quiet steps while the other guys didn't pay us any mind and continued burying the man.

They were all crazy.

My feet magically detached from the ground, and I ran like I always do.

I don't stay and fight. I just ran.

I looked behind while running and felt numbing pain rush through my forehead. I ran into a tree.

Due to my injuries, I couldn't move and I had to listen as he offered me everything I could ever want if I worked for him.

Food. Shelter. Safety.

All I had to do was swallow the pain and sorrow inside of me.


My story started as a petrified eight-year-old who had nothing to do but run. Run from society, this world and most of all: Run from myself.

A girl who accepted an offer from a man who was crazy.

I started as a villain but would I be used as a weapon used for good or evil?

At the time, I didn't know myself.

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