Chapter 17

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Losing Control


She was executed a week after she entered the cell. They killed her. The people I was growing close to, the people who ruined my life. The charges on her were obnoxious! Treason. Not even treason to the king, treason to Lord Dingus. It was either Ronnie or his father that killed her and my motivation to end him was at its peak.

I should have just done it when I had the chance.

No tears fell down my face. I was numb, and couldn't understand what I was feeling.

A bolt of lightning tore across the sky and a peal of thunder followed. The weather expressed my emotions perfectly.

I couldn't make a sound. I was alone in a room, in a place that wasn't home with people that could only hurt me.

I couldn't move, I was frozen, how could I explain what I was feeling. How could someone explain losing their mother, I knew I was secretly keeping hope. Hope that shattered.

I moved and punched a mirror, a mirror that shattered into a million pieces just like my heart.

Blood was flowing and covered my hand. It burned and hurt. I didn't care, I deserved the pain. I wanted it, I wanted to feel something.

Seconds, minutes or hours passed. I couldn't tell. I just watched the blood spread, the sharp pieces of the mirror still set in place, the wounds deep.

Outside the storm had passed but the weather was still awful as the wind was sighing and thrashing in the tree tops and boughs moaned.

I turned my back to the window and somehow ended up in front of the bathtub? When did I fill it? I can't even remember.

The water became red, just like me. I am Red! I shouldn't be feeling anything, I am a murderer, killer, assassin; with the new boost of confidence, I got up to take care of my emotions.

Clothes came on and before I knew it I was in someone's room, someone rich.

General Norfer was asleep in his bed.

I was hidden, and moved until I was under his bed. I was sly, precise and careful. My hair in a tight ponytail, to make sure no hair was left behind and leather gloves so that no fingerprints could be found.

A knife in my left hand, I hovered over his body. Alyssa's father, the Queen's lover and someone who hurt the Prince.

I placed my knees on his arms so he couldn't escape and my hand on his rough lips, making sure no sound came out. He tried to fight, but was weak at my mercy.

My knife placed right above his heart as I pushed it in. Using force to make sure it went in deeply. I used my body weight to help me, going through the cloth, the skin and finally the heart.

His eyes were huge until, slowly, his life ended, at my hands. His face is pale and eyes are blurry. Only a bit of blood stayed on the knife. I wiped it off, and brought it over to his forehead.

I carved the word RED on his dark forehead, my signature move after a kill. No blood could be found since dead people don't bleed but the scar reddened. I left without a trace, sniffing and wiping my nose, even if I hadn't cried. Yet.

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