Chapter 18

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I took my soaked shirt off, leaving me in just a bra. Kai didn't seem to mind and looked back at me.

He then ambled around me, in a circle. Quizzing me on everything we had learnt in the quick time we had to prepare for this challenge. Being in an alliance with a member of the royal family wasn't that bad of an idea, he told me exactly everything I needed to know for tomorrow and was helping me.

"What's the lowest temperature someone could stay in water?" He posed, pacing.

"4°C for around half an hour," I quickly answered in an extravagant manner, showing that I remembered my notes.

"What about the deepest you can go?" He continued, sashaying his way around the flower bed.

"85 meters deep but most pass out after 2 minutes," but just moments ago, I did five minutes, still not as good as Kai's ten minutes, don't ask me how he managed since from the records, the five kingdoms record was eleven minutes.

Revisions were boring me and I wanted some action but the Prince didn't want me to go in the public eye.

I crossed my arms to signal I was bored. He got the message but looked me deep in the eyes, almost staring into my soul, just to announce that we weren't done until we hit perfection.

Seven almost drownings, a handful of bruises and two scars later, we were still at work, practicing water balancing in a bowl. Whoever thought this was a good challenge should change careers. NOW!

My feet were burning and throat throbbing, but the teenager in front of me certainly didn't care. He kept pushing me, until I couldn't walk. Even the Joker wasn't that awful and heartless. There was way more to the prince than I thought. Who was he really?

My head was dizzy and I felt nauseated, this wasn't good for me. If we continued, I wouldn't even be able to stand tomorrow much less compete. I pushed Kai off and left, leaving him stunned with the jaw open to my disobedience.

I didn't look back and fell into a deep slumber as soon as the bed hit my over exhausted body and the pillows on my head.


The whole landscape was bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun.

A slight tan kissed my skin after the past few weeks of being outside so much. As the wind enveloped my nostrils with the sweet smell of fresh baked goods that guests were enjoying for breakfast, while I was readying myself for today's challenge. I had an advantage, I knew exactly what was going to happen today and was ready for it. Sleep made everything better and I almost couldn't feel the sharp pains anymore, nor was I sore.

A river was where we were brought which stunned the three remaining contestants but not me, I knew what we were going to have to achieve and already started taking slow but deep breaths that were to help me soon when I would have to keep my breath for a long period of time.

The current king wasn't present but the future one was. He stood in front of me with a straight back and a composed face. His posture is impeccable.

His plump lips moved and I couldn't help but think what would happen if I came closer and felt them against mine.

He took his shirt off, exposing his slender form and defined muscles. Sweat fell off his body due to the heating sun and I was positive that I was drooling, I didn't even care. All the other females were doing the same but I had no need to be jealous, none of them had touched him like I had, shared that special bond of two souls becoming one. None had kissed him with such passion as I had.

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