Chapter 10

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The interrogation

Even the next day, my brain still hadn't gotten around everything that had been happening but at least I was sure of 3 things.

First. Something fishy was going on since people went missing and it most likely involved the general, queen and prince Charles.

Second. I wasn't here only to spy for the Cards on the future king but also for the future king on which could be the Cards.

And third. My life was a mess.

I knew my loyalty lied with the Cards. They were my family.

But as much as I was confused. I couldn't let it show so I put on some clothes, made my bed and went down for breakfast. It wasn't very crowded. Only Miles, Lewis, Zeke and the very old contestant were here. I noticed the cold glances between Miles and Lewis but passed it of as some part of their facade. I really wasn't expecting what I witnessed yesterday.

I sat in front of Zeke and Miles was on my right while Lewis sat on Zeke's left.

Zeke looked relived to see me. "Finally, did you hear the rumors?" He questioned me. I shook my head but everything he told me I already knew. People were talking about how there would be way less challenges and stuff like that.

He then whispered in my ear. "Why are they both so grumpy, they aren't talking to each other, just looking at each other angrily?" I heard loud footsteps and felt the fear in the others eyes. I turned back slowly, seeing Lord Zingus in a black sleeveless shirt that showed of his massive arms and muscles, a sword was on his belt.

He came towards us and sat next to me. He then started interrogating me, quickly and I tried to answer as fast as I could, remembering everything I had learned from Lei.

"Back home at Maggisbury Manor with my brother."
"Favorite food?" what? why would he ask me that?
I fumbled with my words but still managed to speak. "Pancakes."

I got tired of this after a bit so I decided to ask some questions of my own.

"Father's dead, mom is home."
"Lover?'' I was now intrigued by his personal life.
"Used to..." He looked down to the floor as I looked at his grey eyes, full of pain and sorrow.

I looked around and noticed everyone in the room looking at us. Even the staff had stopped. Ronnie stood up and left without looking back. "Ooooooooh, has someone got a crush?" I shot Miles a death glare. It wasn't like that at all. He was cold and distant, but could also be caring just like the time he brought me back to my room late at night. He was like....... a father figure. What no! I already had one of those, the Joker.

While me and the little voice inside my head were fighting, Miles and Lewis started shouting at each other which made me snap out of it. They started talking in Psho so I couldn't understand a thing they were saying and neither could the others.

This was starting to get annoying so I stormed out of the room. Why was everyone so pissed today?

A strong hand pushed me into a corner. He was facing me, his nose touching mine. His hand on the bottom of my back. "Your story checks out, Violet Lawstone , my sources say you were a maid but got fired after spilling soup on Lord Maggisbury." I let out a sigh, I was lucky someone was actually a maid there, named Violet, who isn't working there right now. "Yes," I tried to say as confidently as I could. He moved away and I instantly missed the warmth of his hand on my back.

"I have a meeting now but we'll talk later." He winked and tried to smile but I could see it was fake.

I went running later that day, I noticed I wasn't as in shape as I usually am. The weather was warm and I sweat a lot so as soon as I stopped on my 10th round, I went up as quickly as I could and hopped into the bathtub.


"Lei!" Camila's screeching voice shout out. "I've got a letter for you," could it be that the Joker answered to my letter so soon? I couldn't it to find out. I ran out of the bathroom with only a towel around my body. I opened the letter and was disappointed.

 I opened the letter and was disappointed

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I thanked Camila and let her leave. I put some clothes on and opened a book to let the time pass. I reread the letter. I admired the prince's hand writing, the. way he formed signed the letter. I was really nervous to see him this evening.


The sun was almost completely gone so I decided to go. I was shaking but I managed to keep my steps steady. I was in front of the door. It was tall, black and wooden. I stayed there for a while before I built up the courage and knocked on the door. He opened the door in a different suit then this morning. "Come in," he was clearly in a better mood then this morning.

"Sit!" He instructed me in a stern voice. He sat in the chair in front of me, the only thing separating us was his desk. He put his feet on it, looking relaxed and started talking. "So, let's get straight to the point, I'm going to ask you questions and you are going to answer them." I noded and he continued. "As you know people are going missing, have you heard anything, know anything, seen something suspicious?" I thought long and hard, should I mention anything about his brother, would he even believe me over his family. I decided to make it vague. "I don't know anything about the missing people but have realised some weird behavior." I let out a loud breath.

He wrote something down on a piece of paper and looked at me again. "Weird?" He questioned. "Well.... Some peoples behavior are... not what it should be." my tone made it sound like a question. "Just, look into your brother, mother and the general," I blurted. "Alyssa's father or another one," he started getting worried. "You know...'' He suddenly stood up and left the room.

I stayed in my chair until I realised he wasn't coming back, I left. I watched my back, making sure no one caught me and made my way back to my room.

In my room was them.

Three people.


Happy Thursday!
I know this chapter isn't the most interesting but it's one of the most important ones in the story...
What did you think of Ray's behavior?
Who do you think the three people are?

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