Chapter 25 - Epilogue

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Alyssa's POV


I've always hated my name.

It meant 'The Noble One,' how ironic am I right?

It is exactly the opposite of what I am, I'm a traitorous General's daughter. How did I ever think I had a chance with Aspen... I'm not of noble blood like Lei.

I'm not as drop dead gorgeous either, nor as smart. She managed to rescue her friend and realized what was going on with Charles slave opperation while stupid old me didn't even know they were using me. I still don't understand why.

But one thing is sure, I hate the Princes. All three of them with burning passion.

The oldest, Aspen. I gave him my heart, I was there first wasn't I? We even got fake married when I was eight. He stole my first kiss, dad and the old king were so happy, I had such a bright future but they took it all away. I left for only four years, and when I came back, I acted like a fool. I thought we shared feelings, but instead I embarrassed myself while he got this Greek goddess who keeps looking in my eyes like she wants to kill me.

Charles betrayed me, I always knew he wasn't trustworthy but what did I have to lose? I have no family? My two only friends hate me and I didn't know what to do with myself. He gave me a purpose, he always kept me in the dark but at least I was worth something to him, or at least I thought.

The worst is Kai. He was the closest thing I had to family.  I treated him like my little brother, always helped him with his issues, usually his crush on an older girl. He was always so sweet but what he did to me can't be forgiven. Ever.

I had just seen the love of my life kissing the Maggisbury girl, my heart had shattered in a trillion pieces with no way to glue it back together.

I tried to deal with the pain the same way I had seen father and Aspen do. With alcohol. I wasn't sure how much I should drink or what the consequences would be. I was young and a fool, raised by an absent father and evil headmistress who didn't actually prepare us for the world.

Before I knew it, everything felt dizzy and nothing made sense. The last thing I remembered was Kai, the sweet boy I always had the feeling I raised, pulling out of me after his brother came into the room. He didn't even shed a single apology as he ruined me. Not even a second glance.

How could he? He was someday going to marry Allie, the love of his life. Why should he care about me? Care about taking advantage of me while I was under the influence.

I take that back, the person I hate more than the Princes, more than Lei, was Princess Allie.

The perfect family, loving parents, adoring siblings.

Everyone liked her.

She'd have the perfect wedding, with her childhood best friend.

Did she even realise how lucky she was?

As jealousy burned my skin, the baby in my arms cooled me down with its babbling.

Oh right, on top of that they handed me a baby, ordering me to keep it. I was now unmarried, tainted, hated by the royal family, homeless, familyless but with a baby.

A baby that was supposedly my sister, although with its pale face, light blue eyes and bone white hair, contrasting my dark features, I highly doubted that we were even remotely related.

If the queen cheated on the king once, who was to say she didn't do it again.

But they didn't care. No one cared.

Cradling the baby to my chest I kissed it.

"My sweet little Melinoe. My savior." I whispered to her tiny ears.

I stopped walking for a second, put the little human down. Who was only four days old, although its body resembled a five month old.

I always thought I'd be the princess in all those fairytales.

But as my story finished, I realised I was the villain all along...


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