Chapter 15

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Unexpected Fights

I wiped the snot off my nose, I wouldn't let anything break me. Especially not something as stupid as a... boy. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were red and swollen, I then had an idea, something I had never done before. But then again, this was all a new experience.

Camila rushed into the gorgeous bathroom and asked me to sit down. I did as told and listened to the clicking sound the tap had. The hard working maid crouched down to attain my height. The smell of the room was horrifying, it was just like some of the over the top girls I had met in my days.

When she finished, she asked me to look in the mirror and I was stunned. The make up she put on me hid my eye bags and some of the signs that I was crying. My eyes were still red but other than that, I looked normal.

Cami dragged me out in front of the mirror and started to worry. "Now tell me what's wrong, you look awful." I snorted.

"This is not a joke young lady, ugh, you remind me too much of my sister." She shared something about her personal life with me, this was a first and something that had never happened before.

I decided to change the subject and focus on her. "You have a sister?" I inquired, but she shut me off and informed me that she would leave right now if I didn't tell her why I was crying right now. I didn't and she left me all alone.

Everyone always leaves me.

Walking out of the room with my head held high, I went to the garden and caught Lord Zingus having a sword fight with himself. General Norfer nowhere in sight. I decided to walk up to him.

"Where is the general?" I posed. He replied that the king had ordered him to come and that he had not seen him since.

He then stopped playing around with his sword and gave me a very serious look. He placed a step closer to me and I stepped backwards. This happened until my back was on the wall.

My heart at an abnormal pace. He bent down and I thought he was going to kill me. Instead he picked up a sword that I didn't even notice was there and gave it to me.

"Fight?" He suggested with a knowing smile. He knew I needed a distraction and gave it to me.

I took the sword, glad to have a distraction and walked to the middle of the field. My hands wrapped around the sword, tightly as I waited patiently for a signal to start.

He ran up to me and the sword hit mine as I protected my face. I started kicking his stomach with a lot of precision but it didn't affect him. He stood strong on his two feet and any attempt of mine only destabilized myself instead of him.

I didn't lose moral and continued trying. He sneakily hooked my sword with his and threw it away, far behind me. He was now distracted, smiling at the newfound crowd. I used that opportunity to go down and tie his shoelaces together. I could hear the sound of people screaming Ronnie's name. I didn't let that distract me and focus on Zingus. When he took a step and fell to the ground, I was astonished that my idea had actually worked.

A small daisy appeared next to Ronnie's body and I knew he was watching. Lost in thought, Ronnie didn't bother taking his sword, he threw a right hook at my face and I was starting to feel dizzy. With every punch, the less I was aware of my surroundings. Everything started to get blurry and I could smell the metallic scent of blood.

Ronnie, in between punches, looked at me and stated, as though he was mesmerized. "You look just like her." Like who I wanted to ask but I didn't miss this opportunity to take his arm and twist it behind his back.

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