Chapter 16

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The Proposal

Out of everyone, the last person I would expect to see was the youngest prince. His body was close to mine and I realised how tall he is. He was way taller than Aspen.

Why does my mind always go to him? Wait, what's happening?

Why is Prince Kai Kataipolis Of Katai here, calling me darling with a huge smirk on his face. Being this close to him made me realise how different he is to his brothers.

His sharp cheekbones could make any girl fall at his feet and his cat like chocolate brown eyes weren't chocolate brown but more of a coffee brown. Small details you wouldn't realise from far away.

"I will explain all of it later, for now just play along, darling." he confidently bandied.

He came in closer and put a strand of hair behind my ear. He gave me a cocky-wink and confident smile that made m feel secure and safe. Not at all like the feeling I had with Charles.

Wait! Why was he calling me darling?

"Why are you calling me darling?" I barked. He just ignored me.

He fucking ignored me.

Sensing my frustration he answered my question.

"Would you like it better if I call you what. Lei? Ray? Azrael? Violet? Red? Seriously girl, what's up with all the names?" Stunned. I didn't even react. I just stood there like a brainless person. Shaking because it had gotten quite cold outside and my simple shirt wasn't made for that.

His ivory suit came off his skinny arms and onto my needy body, keeping me warm.

"It's not like I will tell anyone, I just need a favour. I want to fake court you." Did I just hear correctly. My eyes were open and I was speechless. I quickly regained confidence.

"Well, the probability of that is zero, but go ahead, continue talking!" I was talking loudly, annoyed and angry, almost screaming at him.

"Ok, well, if you fake date me, I can help you." I scoffed, how was a teenage boy going to help me, an infamous assassin. He must have read my thoughts because her answered me.

"I can help you make my brother jealous. I will also help you get away with this ridiculous facade as Lei and will also train you, since Stan Ruttface is gone." I was laughing hysterically now. "You. Help me fight. Look at yourself."

"Well I might not be young but I sure as hell ain't stupid. First of all, when you hit his jaw, it wasn't hard enough and you could have easily broken or dislocated your fingers because it was near the jaw and skull. Second, these men all think the same. That how strong you are matters. It doesn't. You might be smaller and weaker physically but you are precise. Like for example when you start choking him, you were a perfect position to hit his solar plexus which is hard but very effective. Or the inner elbow to disable Zingus's arm, or even his liver which causes immediate pain." He blabbered off.

He was talking about my fighting like he was passionate about it and cared. He also clearly knew his stuff. I realised how bad I had gotten, I had slacked off and thought with my fists instead of my brain. The Joker would be mad if he knew.                           

"And how does this help you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. My curiosity was at it's peak.

He smiled lovingly. "My brother and Alyssa are getting to close, and I have always fancied her." He confessed.

"Are you even listening?" Prince Kai asked, unsure of my reaction.

"Yes, it just takes me a while so much stupidity at once!" He looked as if he was about to cry, I thought he was suppose to be the funny sibling.

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