Chapter 22

45 17 35

Lifeless Betrayal


He was calling for me and I stepped over my father.

Shit, it was weird calling him that.
My friend didn't stop screaming, and the closer I went to him, it sounded more like sobs and crying.

Someone was behind me, Zeke. I knew he was with his wife and son just moments ago, watching me and rooting for me.

His blond hair was messy, his usual smirk gone. He was worried and so was I.

Before I knew it, we were in front of the room with our friend in it and of course, I recognized it.

The mysterious room that Charles was found in by me multiple times.

"It's locked, you're stronger, kick it open." I informed him in a steady voice, barely breathing.

He did, with his knee he managed to make a hole in the door, then, from that hole he managed to make it big enough for both of us to enter.

We did and saw the grand room with rusty metal tubes everywhere and a large wooden table in the middle, guns topping it.

Something about them was so familiar, I had to go over to the weapons. I brushed my delicate fingers over the detailed guns, there were just so many, they could arm an army.

I suddenly knew exactly where I had seen those guns. Charles, he shot my bucket last week with one of the handmade guns. Why did he have so many? I ducked maaking sure not to be seen and gave Zeke one of my hidden knives that was strapped to my ankle just in case he needed it.

Muffled noises were coming from the walls, I had to go see if it was my friend. I knocked on the wall and realized that it was just wallpaper, no well could be found behind it.

Surely a trap, but I had to investigate. My knife sliced the paper releasing a very satisfying sound, but not as satisfying as the answers I was going to get.

My eyes almost thought they were dreaming by the sight before me.

Men, lots of them, working and assembling the guns. I knew them, they were the kidnapped guards, the eliminated contestants, but the worst was the sight of what was happening in the middle of the room.

Lewis was tied up to a chair, and then there was Miles.

The sight brought tears to my eyes, I thought they loved each other, but I couldn't be more wrong.

Miles, a person I considered one of my closest friends, was holding a gun on his so-called lover.

"Shut the fuck up! You'll get yourself noticed!" Miles pressed the gun harder!

My heart was pounding in my chest. I didn't know what to do...

But, instead of trying to rescue Lewis, I stayed in place, my feet in the ground. He was my friend and lied to all of us! I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The betrayal hurt, but not as much as me knowing what I am doing to them is worse.

The sharp edge of my hidden knife hit the side of my finger, the pain felt more like pleasure as I leaped and fell on top of Miles.

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