Chapter 9

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My mild headache was only getting worse and it was already getting dark and I had almost slept the whole day. I didn't leave the room but noticed the small platter of food Camila must have sent over.

It was pancakes that was overflowing with maple syrup. I licked my lips and dug into the food. It was delicious. I was going to have to thank her later for that.

I left the bedroom to get some fresh air. There were a lot of people hurrying in an out of a specific room. My curiosity made me walk over there and see a golden door that was slightly opened. I made sure not to make too much noise. The floor was wooden and walls pale green. There was a bed and two wooden bedside table on each side. A weird noise could be heard that came from the bathroom.

"Matilda," someone with a familiar voice screamed. A short brunette rushed in not giving me a glance. I quickly hid in a closet. It was smelled like sweat and old socks but it was empty, there were small holes that I could see out of.

Two dark figures came out of the bathroom, one of them was probably Matilda, the maid that just came in and the other women, a bit taller. She put a hand on her stomach. "This little one won't stop making me vomit," she joked, the maid only giggled at that and with that they both left. I could finally come out of the awful scented closet.

I didn't know who the woman was but my curiosity was making it really hard not to follow her to uncover her identity. I bolted out of the room and tried to catch up to her but lost her when she entered thee royal corridor. I wasn't stupid enough to go there.

I went back to my room and found Stan there with his arms crossed. "Lei Maggisbury, why haven't you been training for the last two days!" He told me in a stern voice.

I felt guilty and told him to wait outside while I got ready. I went to meet him outside but couldn't find him. I ran round the whole castle trying to find him, worry started to show on my face.

This was very unlike him, he wouldn't disappear, especially after asking me to meet with him.

Hoping that he was safe, I walked back to my room but was blocked by the she-devil. She looked at me from head to toe, I felt exposed, judged and even a bit insecure.

"Look, I don't know who you are and what your deal is but I've seen the way he looks at you and I just wanted to make sure you understood that he's mine!" Alyssa said that last part quite aggressively. I assumed that the person she was referring to was Prince Aspen. I tried to answer but she cut me off. "Get close to him and I'll make your life hell I'll uncover all your secrets and make your life hell."

Definitely the devil

I don't do well with threats so every bone in my body was urging with the want to put her in her place but I had to remain unsuspicious so I decided not to add fuel to the fire.

I simply walked away, not noticing the direction I was going in and stumbling into the Royal corridor. The worst place for me to be right now. I chose not to look back and walk as confidently as I could knowing the risk of entering this place. I could be hung. I pushed the thought down and the moment I knew for sure she couldn't see me I hid.

I went behind a plant making my way to the corner to climb up the wall to enter the vent. It was small and made me feel a claustrophobic. Dirt was everywhere, spiders too and I'm pretty sure a rat was there too. Every time I passed a room, I could see everything below without anyone spotting me. This is great for spying for the future.

After some time trying to find my way I heard a strange noise someone made, or rather two. I refused to look down but when someone moaned "M-miles," I couldn't help it.

Underneath me stood a shirtless Miles making out with Lewis. My jaw dropped to the floor. I was no expecting that. I moved as quickly as I could when I noticed that they weren't going to stop anytime soon.

So I went back to where I started which I regretted when I found myself somewhere close to the royal corridor. A familiar voice got time interested. It was the voice of the unknown, probably pregnant woman from this morning.

My heart almost stopped when I realised where I was in the kings bedroom. I was huge but I stopped myself from admiring it when I saw the queen, tears in her eyes with a man's arms around her who most certainly wasn't the king.

It was one of the Kataipolis generals. The devil's father. I was intrigued on why he was here so I put my ear to the vent, listening in to their conversation.

"I don't know what to do." The queen said, sobbing.

"Shhhh, we'll deal with it together, but the contestants need to leave. Too many people are in the castle that can figure it out." He comforted her.

"If the king finds out I'm pregnant with a baby that isn't his, I don't know what'll happen to me." Her Psho accent was very strong.

"Only Charles knows, but I'm afraid of what he'll do, I know he is planning something big," she added quickly.

He put one finger on her lips, telling her to stop talking. "I heard a sound," I was shocked and rushed backwards, falling through next doors vent and onto a bed. I panicked and realised that someone was coming out of the bathroom.

"You know, I won't ever mind you being in my bed but what are you doing here?" I sighed when it was only Aspen. He then looked back and forth at the broken vent piece and me. It was clear that he realised what I was here for. "You're here to spy on my family, aren't you." His eyes were now more amber than yellow. "Tell me the truth." His face made me want to tell him everything but I just couldn't betray them like that. My family. I needed a good lie and fast.

"My name is..." I looked around the room and saw a flower pot, a Violet bush. "Violet!" I thought about what I was doing, lying to the future king. "I don't mean any harm" sure, like saying hat is going to help my situation. "And, Violet, why are you here and just fell out of the celling." His voice showed no emotion, it pained me to see him like this.

"I am just a normal girl, was a maid at the Maggisbury Manor, needed cash quick and saw Lei Maggisbury talking about this. She and her brother were debating going but decided against it, I stole the girl's identity and came here. Alyssa started asking too many questions so I went into the vent and fell here." This wasn't the best lie but what else could I make up in such a short amount of time.

He eyed me suspiciously before answering. "Well then, Violet, since you aren't a spy like you said, I will make you one." This shocked me greatly, I stared at him dumbfounded. "Some people here are going missing such as two trainers, two contestants and 3 guards. I need someone that can get some information."

I noded and left but while I was at the doorway he stopped me. "Go through the door and get caught leaving my room, that isn't such a great idea. Oh and by the way, I'll find if there is a Violet as a maid in the Maggisbury Manor, you better no be lying to me."

My voice had disappeared. I was unable to talk. I jumped on the bed and caught on to the sides of the square shaped hole above. I used all my body strength to get above. I this time made it back to my room, carefully taking the vent part off and then putting it back on. I started writing a letter to The Joker, I was writing to him about my discovery's, about the queen cheating on the king with the general. This would definitely make us get some leverage on the Royal family.
I was scared of what would happen to me. My life was on the line. Aspen was closer to figuring out who I was than anyone had ever been.


Merry Christmas (If you celebrate it) and a happy new year!
Sorry for missing updates,
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I'm finally over 100 views!!!
I was thinking of doing about 25-30 chapters and a sequel, but what do you think?

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