Chapter 21

71 18 145

Unsaid Words

My heart beats as it pumps my blood through my veins. The blood rushes to the tips of my fingers, the pulse coming in hot waves that cause everything else to pulse.

Today would decide my fate.

I was barefoot and my feet were digging into the fresh but humid grass trying to make the stress go away.

I could see a large red square painted on the grass. I closed my eyes in anticipation, waiting for the last challenge to start.

Aspen or Kai both hadn't talked to me in a day or told me what was to come.

The seats were already filled up, hours before the challenge actually started and it was almost full.

More people than ever before came to watch me fight... and maybe fail.

I just stood there, waiting and waiting.

The world around me and people were moving too fast. Time was passing by until suddenly, the bell rang.

It sounded like freedom, trying to escape over and over. Or maybe it was just how I felt.

Had I ever been free?

I can't remember a time where I wasn't dependent on someone and could make my own decisions

Not even when I lived with my mom. She forbade many things, not letting me play outside or get too close to the borders of Katai and the royal castle. I couldn't remember a time where I left Katai other then for murderous reasons and that one time in Maggisbury.

I wanted to be free, the only person I felt that with was Aspen.

I immediately spotted him in the huge crowd, with his family.

His mother was there too which was very unusual. Her large pregnant stomach was sticking out as she placed a hand on it, rubbing it.

I snapped out of thought when the bell rang again, signaling that the challenge would soon start and that we had to all go there quickly. Especially me.

At the third bell, I was downstairs and in front of my king. Ronnie and I bowed down as a sign of respect.

He lifted twin swords and began to speak in his usual posh and regal tone.

"This is the most common type of fight. A sword fight. The rules are quite clear, you fight until one of you crosses the red line or... dies," I gulped, "but do not fret, I'm sure none of you will die too quickly, we need a show after all!"

His words didn't soothe me or give me any kind of faith that I would survive. My heart that was already pounding quicker than it ever had, went at an even faster pace.

As I grabbed the sword from the aging king, I tripped. Luckily, I quickly recovered but this day wasn't starting out well.

I could barely concentrate as the king counted the seconds down, and before I knew it, Ronnie was already pouncing onto me.

I didn't have time to fear while I fought back. My sword clanking against his.

He plunged into me, but I was quick on my feet and moved to the side.

There were seconds, minutes, hours. I didn't know how long we'd been here but no one had an upper hand.

We were of the same strength, equals. Every time I struck, he ducked and whenever he tried to do the same, I just did the same.

"Aren't you growing tired of this? You should just give up. I'm clearly superior." I snarled with a smirk plastered on my face.

"Don't worry child, I could do this all day, all I'm doing is spending some quality time with you," he winked at me and kicked, I fell to the side, but grabbed his legs to come back up.

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