W-wait i have strong mana?

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" Alright everyone that is in here, I'm the one standing in for the head mage, for right now he is busy. Anyway, I have a seat where crystal balls are. After that I will explain, ''Oh and don't forget the maid or butler and whatnot will also be tested."  Everyone takes a seat where crystal balls are put. " Alright now everyone is sitting out your hands on the ball and then closing your eyes... Alright now I want you to think about something that gives you comfort and warmth in your heart."  Haruka closes her eyes and starts thinking about flowers in the warm sun, while others are thinking of greed,family,children,food,etc.. The crystal balls start to shine different colors. " Alright everyone, open your eyes."  As everyone opens their eyes looking at their now colorful crystal ball. Everyone sits there silently waiting for the mage to tell them what it means. " Alright so let's see the rarity of your power."  The mage takes out a paper. " Okay so if your color is yellow, raise your hand."  About 24 out of the 80 people were there. " Ok well your rarity is 23% out of the population its not rare but not common.  It's called Rainiam magic. You can cast some  sun fairy and mostly demi-human magic. I'll teleport your hand books."  The mage teleported the books to the people who raised their hands. " Alright, now if your crystal is grey, raise your hand."  16 hands were up from the 56 hands that haven't been lifted. Now there were 40 people who hadn't lifted their hands.  " So if your crystal ball is grey the rarity is 54% of the population.. It's common but I guess there are not a lot of grey casters here. Well anyway you can cast fully human magic. If you don't know what that is, it's rock magic. This is called Boretuem magic."  The mage teleported the Bortuem handbooks to the people that raised their hands. After awhile the mage talked about Werihum Magic can cast siren and only a little bit of Tiefling magic. And 10 more magic types. " Ok now if you have Pink, raise your hand."  1 hand was raised and that hand belonged to none other than Haruka herself. " W-Well this is a magic type that is 3.000% out of the population."  people stared at Haruka. The eyes of envy, greed were being stared at Haruka. All eyes went back to the mage waiting for the explanation of why it's so special. " Well t-this is called.."  The mage choked up a bit because of the atmosphere. " Called.. Lusamino magic. This magic is summoner magic. These magic users can summon celestial creatures that can use any magic depending on what ceslital creature it is. It does take some mana to summon a creature or for short lets say spirit. Well here is your handbook on how to use these spells." 

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