The one who will someday be forgiven

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Ouriana's face was happy and joyful and once she heard the name Rin something went off inside her. " How the hell do you know that name?!" Since Haruka was the one she was the one at the disadvantage. Ouriana's hand fastly swung to Haruka's neck. She was trying to kill her? " How?!"  Haruka was trying to get her hands off her neck. "J-just let me e-explain!"  Ouriana takes her hand off of Haruka's neck. She stares at her waiting for her to explain.  Harku takes a deep breath trying to get her breathing steady. "I don't know who Rin is. Ok? I have just been having dreams of her and being in her perspective. Iḿ asking you who she was. Can you tell me? "   Ouriana looks at Haruka. She takes her hand and putś on her elbow, not knowing how to feel about the news she was just told. " D-do you know what you are?..."  Ouriana looks down. She glances up at Haruka to see her answer, the answer she didn want was the answer she got. Haruka slowly shook her head. "Who told you?"  Haruka adverts her eyes. ¨ I would have to ask the person first, i don't want to tell you without their permission.¨  Ouriana walks off. ¨ I won't go through with my plans, but you better send me letters.¨  Ouriana walks away, as she slowly walks away Haruka bites her fingers.

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