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Title: “The One Where Someone Is About To Get Caught.”

Scene 48 (continues): Interior / Supermarket’s Coffee Shop / Day

Harry and Louis’ breakfast date continues.

HARRY: (laughing) “And then I look up and I’m feeling kind of dizzy, you know? Because well, I just puked all over the stage.” (shaking his head) “And absolutely everyone is laughing at me.”

LOUIS: (laughing really hard, hiccupping) “And what did you do?”

HARRY: “I just played it cool.” (shrugs) “I went all fabulous about it.”

LOUIS: (still laughing) “I bet you did.”

HARRY: “We laugh now but it was very stressful when it happened. I even cried after the whole thing.”

LOUIS: “Aw.” (embarrassed, blushing) “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

HARRY: “It’s okay. I like it that you find me sweet.” (winks) “That’s the whole point of sharing this story with you.”

LOUIS: (uncomfortable) “Well…”

HARRY: “What about you? Any embarrassing stories of the like?”

LOUIS: “Oh, you have no idea.” (laughs) “My shameful stories would make your stories look really bad.”

HARRY: “I doubt that but hey, let’s give it a try.” (Louis sighs, hesitates) “Come on, I just shared the worst one with you.”

LOUIS: “Okay.” (takes a deep breath, looks entertained) “Senior year in High School.”

HARRY: (nodding, very entertained) “I like it already.”

Scene 50: Interior / Liam Building’s Hall / Day

Liam is about to exit his building when he sees his landlord right next to the door and, even if Liam tries to hide, the man catches him.

LANDLORD: “Payne!”

LIAM: “Hey, Mr. Sanchez.”

LANDLORD: (accusing) “I’ve been looking for you.”

LIAM: “Have you? I’ve been very busy lately. I’m never home.”

LANDLORD: “You still owe me last month’s rent.”

LIAM: “I know. I just haven’t had the time to do anything. Work is killing me.”

LANDLORD: (incredulous) “Weren’t you a bartender?”

LIAM: (offended) “Yeah, but-”

LANDLORD: “Never mind.” (unfriendly) “I want to take a look inside your bathroom, there’s an infiltration in the unit next to you and I want to check if everything is alright there.” 

LIAM: “I’m really busy right now. You catch me on a rush.”

LANDLORD: “You are wearing sweatpants.” (looks at Liam from his feet to his head) “Doesn’t seem like you have anywhere important to be.”

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now