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Title: "The One Where They Are At The Gay Zone."

Scene 82: Exterior / The Style's Front yard / Night

Louis parks his bike in front of Harry's house. He takes a look at it, sighs deeply and then slowly starts to walk towards the main door. He seems nervous and insecure. When he is about to ring the bell, he hesitates and walks a few steps back. He scratches his head, takes another deep breath and finally rings the bell.

Scene 83: Interior / The Style's Living Room / Night

Harry runs down the stairs. He seems excited.

HARRY: (to his parents) "This is not a drill! I repeat! This is not a drill! Kevin's at the front door and you two can go to your room now!"

ANNE: "But the episode's not over yet, honey."

HARRY: "Ugh... You are impossible! Let me just close this door then. Stay in here. You hear me?"

DESMOND: "We are not going anywhere. Are you really that ashamed of us?"

HARRY: "Yes, I am! This is important for me so, pretty please, don't go out there. We'll probably hang out in my room but, for now, we'll be in the kitchen. Just don't go in there." (closes the door that connects the living room with the house's entrance) "Here we go."

Harry walks to the main door and stops in front of a mirror, he fixes his hair and his clothes, takes a deep breath and opens the door.

LOUIS: (shyly waves) "Hi."

HARRY: (smiling) "Hi, there! You are here."

LOUIS: (smiling) "I'm here."

HARRY: (nodding) "Nice."

Louis gets closer to shake Harry's hand but Harry tries to hug him so they end up just bumping each other's arms.

LOUIS: "I'm sorry if I'm a bit late."

HARRY: "I'm always late everywhere I need to go so don't worry about it."

LOUIS: "Good. So... I brought this." (hands him a small paper bag)

HARRY: (frowning) "What is it?"

LOUIS: (awkward, talking fast) "I wasn't sure on what to bring, then I remembered you said donuts are what you live for so I brought a few. For dessert, you know."

HARRY: "Aw, that's sweet. Did I really say that though?"

LOUIS: "Say what?"

HARRY: "That donuts are what I live for."

LOUIS: (nods, laughs) "You did."

HARRY: "That's..." (sighs) "Lame. I really should start paying more attention to what I say I guess."

LOUIS: "Nah, it was cute." (gets nervous) "I mean funny. It was funny."

HARRY: (smiling) "Okay, you can come in now."

LOUIS: "Thank you."

HARRY: "You are welcome."

LOUIS: (looking around) "Nice house."

HARRY: "Thank you."

LOUIS: "You are welcome."

HARRY: "It is not my house though."

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