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Title: “The One With The Smiley Face Thing.”

Scene 18: Exterior / Spencer’s Backyard / Night

Harry and Cara are standing by the bar, she is already having a drink while Harry looks everywhere to check if he can see Louis around.

HARRY: (nervous) “You think he’ll come?”

CARA: “Ugh… You asked me so many times already and what did I answer every single time?”

HARRY: “No but he didn’t reply to my last text and I don’t want to get my hopes up. Just tell me if you think he won’t show up.”

CARA: “Whatever, you are dying to show me the texts, just do it.”

HARRY: (excited) “Great!” (takes his phone out from his pocket) “Look. I sent him this ‘Hey, What’s up?’ around 6.”

CARA: “Did you use a smiley face?”

HARRY: “Nope. That’s too desperate.”

CARA: “Good, I taught you well.”

HARRY: “He replied exactly six minutes later.”

CARA: “Good timing shows interest. So far, so good.”

HARRY: “I know, I was glad. He said ‘Hey, who’s this?’”

CARA: “What the fuck?”

HARRY: “Whatever, he didn’t have my number so it’s okay.”

CARA: “Did this happen via Whatsapp or SMS?”

HARRY: “SMS.” (frowns) “Why? Does it make a difference?”

CARA: “Of course it does! You always want the guy to see your profile pic. Use Whatsapp, that’s the whole point.”

HARRY: “I know, I know! But he doesn’t use it or maybe he has a different number for it. I’m not sure.”

CARA: “You’ll ask tonight.”

HARRY: “I will. So… I replied ‘It’s Harry, from the beach.’” Cool right?” (Cara nods) “Remember me?

CARA: “Nice touch, it makes you look cute.”

HARRY: (proud) “I also thought so.”

CARA: “How much time did you take to answer back?”

HARRY: “It doesn’t matter.”

CARA: “Harry!”

HARRY: “Okay, I sent him that text a minute later.”

CARA: “One minute?!” (punches his arm) “Are you crazy? That’s way too desperate.”

HARRY: “I completely blew it, didn’t I?”

CARA: “Go on.”

HARRY: “‘Hi Harry! Of course I remember.’ And… Smiley face!”

CARA: “Aw… he is into you.”

HARRY: “I hope so… And the text continues… ‘I’m good. How are you?’ It’s funny cause his texting is so formal, no typos whatsoever, right punctuation, capitals on point. He definitely goes to Harvard.”

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat