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Title: "The One Where Harry Gets Really Excited."

Scene 16: Interior / Harry's Bedroom / Afternoon

Cara is lying on Harry's bed, looking frustrated as Harry comes out from the bathroom, wearing an outfit for the night.

HARRY: "Just wait." (he puts a mask on) "Ta-Dá! How do I look?"

CARA: (annoyed) "As perfect as you looked with the last four outfits you tried on so far."

HARRY: "No! You are missing the point. The mask, I haven't showed you this mask yet."

CARA: "Harry, they all look the same."

HARRY: "No, they don't. This one makes my nose look bigger, don't you think?"

CARA: "Your nose is big anyways."

HARRY: (freaked out) "What?"

CARA: "Kidding."

HARRY: "And I'm not sure about the pants." (checks himself on the mirror) "My hips look giant."

CARA: "They don't."

HARRY: "Can you focus? Please? I need to look awesome tonight."

CARA: "Harry, you always look awesome. And that Kevin dude doesn't seem to be too interested in fashion."

HARRY: "What do you mean?"

CARA: "Didn't you see what he was wearing today? He doesn't care about fashion at all."

HARRY: "I didn't see his outfit."

CARA: "He had a giant shirt on." (laughing) "And those shorts were hideous."

HARRY: "Stop being so harsh on him. Maybe he was on a rush or something."

CARA: "Whatever. I'm just saying that you shouldn't stress too much over this."

HARRY: "But I need it to be perfect." (turns to the mirror again) "I'm definitely not wearing these pants. They have buttons and only God knows how hard it is to handle buttons when you are drunk. I need zippers."

CARA: "Are you planning on getting drunk on a first date?"

HARRY: "Right, I see your point. I won't drink then but you know how Spencer gets when her birthday comes. She'll make us take shots and... Shit! I totally messed up by inviting him."

CARA: "No, you didn't, relax."

HARRY: "But what will Taylor say?"

CARA: "Ugh."

HARRY: "She'll ask who Kevin is and I don't want her to jinx this."

CARA: "Then don't tell her anything."

HARRY: "But she'll ask and you know I can't lie."

CARA: "What does she care?"

HARRY: "I know but... I should just call Kevin and cancel."

CARA: "Don't!"

HARRY: "What if he meets Taylor and thinks I'm like her and then... I don't know. I'm freaking out."

CARA: "You sound like a virgin."

HARRY: (singing) "Touched for the very first time."

CARA: "You are all over the place."

HARRY: "I'm excited. I'm so excited." (takes his shirt off) "I know! I'll wear the new shirt I got. How did I forget?"

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ